《The British David Auction Co. Ltd.》
British David Auction Company was set up in the early 20th century, which is one of the world-famous art auction companies. What’s more, it collects art treasures all over the world. At the beginning of its establishment, David Auction won extensive attention, relying on the world-class art treasures in the foundation(founded by Sir Percival Victor David Ezekiel David). China Ceramic, particularly outstanding inthe museum, covering nearly one thousand years of history, is considered as the world’s best ceramic treasure by Chinese scholars.
Nowadays David Auction sets up officesdistributed in50 major cities worldwide.Itheadquarters in London, England, holds auction in dozens of places and regions around the world. Furthermore, it also provides other services concerned with auction, including art storage, preservation, art database and so on. Over the years,David has been earning adequate trustfrom the museums around the world, collectors, art dealers and national governments. With the further development of art market and the spring up of Chinese art market,David auction enters into Chinese market formally, setting up the first arts collection company(Shanghai Jing Ce Exhibition Service Limited Company) and aiming at service for the mainland art market.