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U3872,advantest U3872,深圳

  • 发布时间:2018-04-04 11:45:38

    特性:U3872 U3872多路测量:时差(相位差)分析了天线连接到每个通道。 - 传播测量:同时分析,想要的和不想要的信号(干扰、多径和噪声)没有起伏的传播条件下失踪甚至不需要的信号。 - 电磁场辐射:磁场探头连接到射频输入和电子领域另一个探测器,这些中断和波动辐射噪声分别可以测量。 此外,电场和磁场之间的关系可以通过实时显示与通道之间的相位同步。U3872 / U38721(U3872) - 在手机内部设备或电路干扰:现在电器控制射频模块和电气设备,如智能手机有一些通信系统。 预计大量的无线电干扰,通信信号携带的设备可能会相互干扰。 可以检测出干扰信号主要通信信号容易被2 ch时域分析。 - 分析电动汽车逆变器造成的干扰:逆变器与高压开关电动汽车运营,影响车辆电气组件的操作。 2通道时域分析是用于观察逆变器时钟由逆变器噪声和干扰信号之间的关系。 - 多通道同步EMI测量”支持并行测量使用垂直和水平不同频段的天线或双测量。 - 多通道同步噪声测量:启用同步多点噪声测量成本低。U3872 / U38721(U3872) - 多通道同步测量噪声和相位同步:在每个天线可以测量噪声信号的同时,而且分析相位差在参考天线信号检测。 - 卫星信号监测:监测和干扰信号监测水平保持沟通质量很重要。 射频/射频或射频/如果信号可以同时监控43 2 ghz利用射频输入。 U3872 multipath measurement: the time difference (phase difference) analysis of the antenna is connected to each channel. - propagation measurements: simultaneous analysis, desired and unwanted signals (interference, multipath, and noise) without the fluctuation of the transmission conditions of missing or even unwanted signals. - electromagnetic field radiation: the magnetic field probe is connected to the radio frequency input and another detector in the electronic field, which can measure the radiation noise separately. In addition, the relationship between the electric field and the magnetic field can be displayed in real time by the phase synchronization between the channel and the channel. U3872 / U38721 (U3872) - in the phone's internal device or circuit interference: now the electrical control of radio frequency modules and electrical equipment, such as smart phones have a number of communication systems. It is expected that a large number of radio interference, communication signals carrying devices may interfere with each other. The main signal of the interference signal can be detected easily by 2 CH time domain analysis. Analysis of interference caused by electric vehicle inverter: inverter and high-voltage switch electric vehicle operation, the operation of the vehicle electrical components. 2 channel time domain analysis is used to observe the relationship between the inverter clock and the interference signal from the inverter. Multi channel synchronous EMI measurement 'supports parallel measurements using vertical and horizontal antenna or dual measurements at different frequency bands. Multi channel synchronous noise measurement: enabling simultaneous multi point noise measurement with low cost. U3872 / U38721 (U3872) Multi channel synchronous measurement noise and phase synchronization: at the same time, the noise signal can be measured at each antenna, and the phase difference is analyzed in the reference antenna signal detection. - satellite signal monitoring: monitoring and monitoring the level of interference signals to maintain the quality of communication is very important. RF / RF / RF / if the signal can be monitored at the same time 432 GHz the use of radio frequency input 深圳迈凯瑞仪器专业销售,租赁,回收,维修二手频谱分析仪,信号源,网络分析仪,示波器,无线电综合测试仪,音频分析仪,噪声系数分析仪,WIFI测试仪,手机综合测试仪,EMI测试仪,天馈线分析仪,功率计,频率计,校准件,函数信号发生器,电源,GPIB卡,万用表,衰减器等测试仪器 公司擅长无线测试方案,可测试无线鼠标,无线键盘,无线遥控器,无线抄表,RFID,误码分析测试BER,手机外壳测试(合作伙伴有三星手机,黑莓手机,以及该品牌的众多代工厂),天线测试,路由器,信号放大器,滤波器测试,广电产品,监控产品等众多电子产品的测试,欢迎各研发单位,方案公司,电子生产企业前来联系,洽谈购买业务。因为二手仪器的价格是全新进口仪器价格的30%左右,二手仪器可以为各企业省去70%的仪器成本,享有同样的服务,二手仪器没有货期,随时采购随时使用,经济实惠。 ======================================================================== 深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司 超低价,成色新,测试合格后再付款,欢迎体验测试,服务好 联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ: 廖先生 QQ: 公司:深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司 地址:深圳市龙华新区东环一路天汇大厦D栋6楼D-615室 ========================================================================


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