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  • 发布时间:2018-05-21 10:42:57

    N5173B EXG X-Series Microwave Analog Signal Generator,9 kHz to 40 GHz 主要特性与技术指标 Signal characteristics 9 kHz to 13, 20, 31.8 or 40 GHz +20 dBm output power at 20 GHz -101 dBc/Hz phase noise at 10 GHz and 20 kHz offset High stability OCXO < ±5 x 10-10 per day Modulation and sweep AM, FM, ?M and narrow pulse Pulse train generator 10 MHz multifunction generator and LF out Digital step and list sweep modes with <600 ?s switching speed Automation and communication interface 1000BaseT LAN, LXI, USB 2.0, and GPIB SCPI, IVI-COM, MATLAB drivers Backward compatible with all ESG, MXG, PSG and 8648x signal generators Keysight USB power sensor compatible with embedded display and SCPI control 描述 The cost-effective EXG When you need to balance budget and performance theEXG is the best choice. It provides the essential signals that addressparametric testing of components and receivers. Maximize budget and performance with outstandinghardware · Confidently test components with excellentlevel accuracy and repeatability · Compensate for test system losseswith best-in-class output power · Maximize throughput with fast switchingspeed · Shrink your test stand with two rack-unitheight · Get the performance and capabilities youneed today and easily upgrade later Maximize resources with low cost of ownership · Increase uptime with high mean timebetween failures (MTBF) based on first-generation MXG track record · Minimize downtime and expenses withself-maintenance strategy and low-cost repairs 深圳迈凯瑞仪器专业销售,租赁,回收,维修二手频谱分析仪,信号源,网络分析仪,示波器,无线电综合测试仪,音频分析仪,噪声系数分析仪,WIFI测试仪,手机综合测试仪,EMI测试仪,天馈线分析仪,功率计,频率计,校准件,函数信号发生器,电源,GPIB卡,万用表,衰减器等测试仪器 公司擅长无线测试方案,可测试无线鼠标,无线键盘,无线遥控器,无线抄表,RFID,误码分析测试BER,手机外壳测试(合作伙伴有三星手机,黑莓手机,以及该品牌的众多代工厂),天线测试,路由器,信号放大器,滤波器测试,广电产品,监控产品等众多电子产品的测试,欢迎各研发单位,方案公司,电子生产企业前来联系,洽谈购买业务。因为二手仪器的价格是全新进口仪器价格的30%左右,二手仪器可以为各企业省去70%的仪器成本,享有同样的服务,二手仪器没有货期,随时采购随时使用,经济实惠。 ======================================================================== 深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司 超低价,成色新,测试合格后再付款,欢迎体验测试,服务好 联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ: 廖先生 QQ: 公司:深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司 地址:深圳市龙华新区东环一路天汇大厦D栋6楼D-615室 ========================================================================


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