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  • 发布时间:2016-07-20 11:20:38

    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    联系人:谭先生 电话: QQ: :sj 公司:深圳市鸿一品仪器有限公司 地址:广东省东莞市塘厦镇新头村   描述 Keysight通过增加斜波扫描升级了PSG CW信号发生器,它提供连续的扫描测量能力,可完全自动地使用Keysight 8757D标量网络分析仪。   E8247C PGS CW信号发生器保留了业内领先的功率级、相噪和电平精度指标。通过为我们客户提供前沿测量能力,Keysight业已增强了PSG的技术领先地位。   PSG CW信号发生器提供对产品特性的精确描述,并且不需要用于高功率器件测试的外部放大器。由于这种新的PSG CW信号发生器能保证对器件的精确评估,在设计前期发现问题,因而能缩短产品的开发周期。       宽频率范围 (250 kHz 至 20 GHz 或 250 kHz 至 40 GHz ) ,频率分辨率为 .001 Hz 20 GHz 时的输出功率 (+13 dBm 标准,带选件1EA 时为 +20 dBm ) ,并具有优异的电平精度 可选 SSB 封闭相噪小于 -98 dBc/Hz ,在 1 kHz 偏置和10 GHz 载波时 方便的扫描模式:模拟斜波扫描、数字步进扫描和表格扫描 与 Keysight 8757D 标量网络分析仪代码完全兼容 易于用 Keysight 83550 系列毫米波源模块将频率扩展到 110 GHz       主要特性与技术指标 Rackmounting hardware designed to securely integrate Keysight products into EIA-RETMA standard 19-inch (487 mm) rack enclosures.   Factory-designed to specifically fit Keysight instrument frames and chassis hardware Versions available to mount full-rack instruments as well as half-rack and narrower Keysight products All required mounting hardware included under a single order number Cross-reference maps existing product ac c essory options to corresponding new rackmount ac c essory products Ordering a rackmount ac c essory was never easier. New rackmount products covering over 350 Keysight products are easy to identify and quickly delivered through distributors or direct sales.   Designed to specifically mate with Keysight product frames, there are no significant c o mpetitors for these ac c essories Hardware ac c essories targeted for customers wishing to mount Keysight products into rack enclosures Supports customers reconfiguring their use of Keysight instruments from bench top to rackmounted 曾经有一个二手仪器换现金的机会放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。  如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我一定会找出鸿一品仪器谭先生的电话打过去。  如果要问我卖多少仪器给他,我希望是整厂打包。


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