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  • 发布时间:2022-07-04 00:00:00
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证
     政鸿微专业授权代理LITEON,SITRONIX,TAOS,DYNA,AVAGO,义隆,艾普科微,三星,亿光,Intersil Semitel 、风华高科、ROHM 、芯唐科技、圣邦微电子等近距离环境光传感器,颜色传感器,手势传感器,加速度传感器,心率传感器,闪光灯,保险丝,二极管等,各品牌产品型号齐全,原装正品,现货供应   LDescription        is an integrated low voltage I2C ambient light sensor [ALS], gesture sensor 

    [GS] and proximity sensor [PS], with built-in emitter in a single miniature chipled lead-free surface  

    mount package.

    This sensor converts light intensity to a digital output signal capable of direct I2C interface.

    The gesture sensor provides object motion direction information based on the reflected IR light

    detected by the 4 photodiodes for East, West, North and South direction. Besides, ambient light sensor

    provides a linear response over a wide dynamic range and is well suited to applications under high

    ambient brightness. With built-in proximity sensor (emitter and detector), it offers the feature to detect

    object at a user configurable distance.

    The sensor supports an interrupt feature that removes the need to poll the sensor for a reading which

    improves system efficiency. The sensor also supports several features that help to minimize the

    occurrence of false triggering. This CMOS design and factory-set one time trimming capability ensure

    minimal sensor-to-sensor variations for ease of manufacturability to the end customers.

    Application:To control brightness of the display panel, and/or detection of object or motion in mobile,

    computing, and consumer devices.



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