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  • 发布时间:2017-02-18 11:30:06

    用户等级:普通会员 已认证




    联系人:谭先生 电话: QQ: :sj 公司:深圳市鸿一品仪器有限公司 地址:广东省东莞市塘厦镇新头村   信号发生器 N5193A,N5183B,N5173B,N5161A,N5162A,   --  

    Signal characteristics

    10 MHz to 20 or 40 GHz +10 dBm output power standard; optional attenuator with 80 dB agile range and -130 dBm minimum settable power 100 µs switching speed standard; optional 370 ns ≤-126 dBc/Hz typical phase noise at 10 kHz offset at 10 GHz carrier

    Modulation and list capabilities

    AM, FM, ΦM, pulse modulation, and wideband chirps 3 ns pulse rise/fall time and 10 ns pulse widths List mode and agile controller mode standard

    Automation and communcation interface

    1000BaseT LAN, USB 2.0, and GPIB LXI compliant SCPI and IVI-COM drivers Code-compatibility with Aeroflex fast switching signal generators

    Get closer to reality with the Keysight UXG agile signal generator

    Better testing done sooner equals deeper confidence in EW system performance. The Keysight UXG agile signal generator lets you create complex scenarios when you need them. Off the shelf, the UXG is a powerful building block, whether you want a dependable LO or a scalable threat simulator. By blurring the lines between analog and vector technologies, the UXG lowers the barriers between new intelligence and up-to-date signal scenarios. Generate increasingly complex simulations with the UXG and get closer to reality.

    ·            Cover a wide range of radar, EW, and antenna-test requirements up to 40 GHz

    ·            Accurately simulate complex signal scenarios with fast switching, phase coherency, and extensive pulse-modulation capabilities

    ·            Update frequency, amplitude, and phase in as little as 180 ns

    - Generate wide chirps that are 10 to 25 percent of carrier frequency

    - Create pulses as narrow as 10 ns with 3 ns rise/fall times and 90 dB on/off ratio

    - Use pulse descriptor words (PDWs) to generate long pulse trains and individually control pulse characteristics

    ·            Use the 3U-high UXG as a slide-in replacement for legacy fast-switching sources

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