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  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    業務範圍包含如:奧克斯 格力 美的 海爾 長虹 春蘭 TCL 松下 新科等各大知名品牌空調

    常見維修故障: 1.不制冷或制冷效果差 2.漏水故障 3.跳閘故障 4.漏電故障 5.噪聲大 6.制冷開機室內機風機不運轉故障 7.制冷開機室內風機運行,壓縮機與室外機不運轉故障 8.壓縮機運行室外風機不運轉故障 9.不接受遙控信號故障 10.電氣控制電路故障以上空調故障

    我們本著服務至上的理念爲您解決難題!維修空調是壹項專業技術工種,非壹般人能完成,我公司24小時上門服務,歡迎來電Good professional repair air conditioning with friendly friendly friendly friendly ";; air conditioning; air conditioning;" (and) fluoride (fluorine filling; fluoride; "Lyon";; add refrigerant);; air conditioning; recovery; "" air conditioning "with remote control;; air cleaning;; installation;"; "maintenance; maintenance;" the company has more than and 10 years of experience in the maintenance of the master, can provide all kinds of brand air conditioning maintenance.

    Business scope includes: such as AUX GREE Haier Changhong beauty Chunlan TCL and other major brands Matsushita Shinco air conditioner

    Common troubleshooting: 1 cooling or cooling effect 2 3 4 Water Leakage fault tripping fault leakage fault 5 noise 6 refrigeration boot indoor machine fan does not operate 7 refrigeration boot indoor fan fault operation, the compressor and the outdoor machine is not running fault 8 compressor running outdoor fan not running fault 9 does not accept the remote control signal fault 10 electrical control circuit fault over the air conditioning fault

    We serve the supremacy of the concept for you to solve the problem of maintenance of air conditioning is a professional technical work, not a kind of people can be completed, my company 24 hours door-to-door service, welcome calls


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