主要是銷售和安裝進口、合資、國産的各種燃煤、燃油蒸汽及熱水鍋爐、有機熱載體加熱爐。 自成立至今‘;。義烏建保鍋爐安裝有限公司;已累計安裝了兩百多台‘;。以及多家工廠車間設備的配套安裝‘;。維修保養‘;。對大量的鍋爐及附機輔機設備進行年度維修保養工作
各式燃油、燃氣、燃煤、電熱水鍋爐;高效多管除塵器、脫硫除塵器;廚房設備等系列産品的專業廠家‘;。其中燃油、燃氣、蒸氣鍋爐Mainly engaged in the sale and installation of imports, joint ventures, domestic coal, fuel steam and hot water boiler, organic heat carrier furnace. Since its inception;. Yiwu Jian Bao boiler installation Co. Ltd; has a total installed more than and 200 ";. As well as the installation of a number of plant equipment workshop';. Maintenance';. The annual maintenance work of large boilers and auxiliary equipment of machine
All kinds of fuel oil, gas, coal, electric hot water boiler; high efficiency multi tube dust remover, desulfurization dust remover; kitchen equipment and other professional manufacturers of products;. The fuel, gas, steam boile