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  • 发布时间:2020-06-10 17:57:05
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    ANSI/BIFMA XGeneral Purpose Office Chairs - Tests 办公椅测试 
      Test Requirement 
      5 Back strength test—static—type I 靠背静态强度测 - I 型座椅 
      6 Back strength test—static—type II &III 靠背静态强度测 - II &III 型座椅 
      7 Base test - static 五爪静态压力测试 
      8 Drop test - dynamic 动态冲击测试 
      9 Swivel test—cycliccycle) 旋转测试转) 
      10 Tilt mechanism test—cycliccycles) 倾斜机构疲劳测试循环) 
      11 Seat durability test—cyclic 座位疲劳测试 
    mpact testcycles) 座位冲击测试循环) 
      11.2 Front corner load-ease testcycles) 座位前角疲劳测试循环) 
      12 Stability test—dynamic 稳定性测试 
      12.1 Rear stability 后向稳定性 
      12.2 Front stability 前向稳定性 
      13 Arm strength test—vertical—static 扶手垂直静态强度测试 
      14 Arm strength test—horizontal—static 扶手水平静态强度测试 
      15 Back durability test—cyclic—typecycles) 靠背疲劳测试 - I 型座椅循环) 
      16 Back durability test—cyclic—typecycles) 靠背疲劳测试 - II &III 型座椅循环) 
      17 Caster/chair base durability test—cycliccycles) 脚轮疲劳测试循环) 
      18 Leg strength test—front and side application 椅脚静态强度测试 – 前部和侧面加力 
      19 Footrest durability test—vertical—cycliccycles) 歇脚板疲劳测试循环) 
      20 Arm durability test - cycliccycles) 扶手疲劳测试(60000 循环) 
      21 Out stop tests for chairs with manually adjustable seat depth 可调节座位外挡块测试 
      22 Tablet arm static load test 扶手写字板静态载荷测试 


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