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  • 发布时间:2017-06-21 09:10:25


                               Federal Communications Commission

    fcc认证查询美国RASOO认证专家 美国FCC认证申请RASOO公司凭借丰富的认证经验、强大的检测能力、专业的工程师队伍、优质贴心的服务、高效团结的工作团队,成立至今已经为上千家企业提供了优质的服务。是全球获得官署授信最多的认证技术服务机构。on of Conformity shall be labeled as follows: A device, which belongs to ISM, subject to Declaration of Conformity, shall bear the FCC logo and a statement: 4、FCC Part 15 FCC Part 15 sets outfcc认证查询 the regulations under which an intentional, or incidental radiator may be operated without an individual license. It also contains the technical specifications, administrative requirements anfcc认证查询d other conditions relating to marketing of Part 15 devices. FCC Part 15 includes four different RF devices: Unintentional Radiators, Intentional Radiators, Unlicensed Personal Communications fcc认证查询Service Devices and Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices. For almost all electric and electronic devices, they are included in unintentional radiators. In FCC Part 15. 5、FCC fcc认证查询Part 18 The rules in this part regulate industrial, scientific, and medical equipment (ISM) that emits electromagnetic energy on frequencies within the radio frequency spectrum in order to prefcc认证查询vent harmful interference to authorized radio communication services. Consumer ISM equipment, unless otherwise specified, must be authorized under either the Declaration of Conformity or certifcc认证查询ficatFCC认证即是由FCC(Federal Communications Commission,美国联邦通信委员会)于1934年由COMMUNICATIONACT建立是美国政府的一个独立机构,直接对国会负责。FCC通过控制无线电广播、电视、电信、卫星和电缆来协调国内和国际的通信。

    FCC ID的申请流程:

    1、先申请一个 FRN,申请人是第一次申请 FCC ID ,就需要申请一个永久性的 Grantee Code ;首次申请ID,申请Grantee Code


    1,FCC ID Label (标签)

    2,FCC ID Label Location (标签位置)

    3,User Manual (说明书) 申请商

    4,Schematic Diagram (电气原理图) 或制造商

    5,Block Diagram (功能方块图)

    6,Theory of Operation (动作原理)

    7,Test Report (测试报告)

    8,External Photos (外观照片) 第三方

    9,Internal Photos (内部照片) 认证机构

    10,Test Setup Photos (测试系统配置图)





    FCC Part 15 -Computing Devices,Cordless Telephones,Satellite Receivers,TV Interface Devices,Receivers,Low Power Transmitters

    FCC Part 18 - Industrial,Scientific,and Medical Equipment,i.e. Microwave,

    RF Lighting Ballast (ISM)

    FCC Part 22 -Cellular Telephones

    FCC Part 24 - Personal Communications Systems,covers licensed personal communications services

    FCC Part 27 -Miscellaneous Wireless Communications Services

    FCC Part 68 -All Types of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment,i.e.


    FCC Part 74 -Experimental Radio,Auxiliary,Special Broadcast and other

    program distributional services

    FCC Part 90 -Private Land Mobile Radio Services includes Paging Devices and Mobile Radio Transmitters,covers land mobile radio products such as high-

    powered walkie-talkies

    FCC Part 95 -Personal Radio Service,includes devices such as Citizens Band (CB) transmitters,radio-controlled (R/C) toys,and devices for utilization under

    the family radio service


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