yokogawa AQ6374 短波长光谱分析仪
World-Class Optical Performance
Wavelength Resolution Settings:
There are 8 wavelength resolution settings: 0.05 to 10 nm
to enable the user to choose the best value according to the
device/system under test.
Measurable Level Range:
The wide measurable level range is from−80 to +20 dBm. This is suitable to measure high power as well as low power sources used in different fields of application.
Wavelength accuracy:
The ±0.05 nm wavelength accuracy can be maintained by the calibration using the built-in reference light source or an external light source including HeNe laser and Argon light source.
Fast measurement:
The instrument takes only 0.5 s for 100 nm span (with sensitivity set to NORM_AUTO).
Number of sampling: 100001
The number of wavelength samples has been doubled. One sweep can measure a wider wavelength range at high resolution.
联系人:胡R (经理) 陈R(业务经理)
手机: /
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地址:广东省 东莞市 塘厦镇 塘厦大道63号
回收闲置仪器设备 工厂仪器仪表设备整体收购 中介重谢 欢迎来电咨询洽谈
回收专线: 胡芳斌 欢迎来电 加Q咨询
< 回收频谱分析仪 >
N9010A N9020A N9030A N9000A N9038A
N9010B N9020B N9030B N9000B N9040B
8564EC 8563EC 8562EC 8561EC 8560EC
63803 63804 63802
63306A 63305A 63302A 63303A 63301A
63208 63203 63202 A 63112
63108A 63107A 63106A 63105A 63103A 63102A 63101A
MDO3104 MDO3102 MDO3054 MDO3052 MDO3034 MDO3032
MDO3024 MDO3022 MDO3014 MDO3012
DPO3012 DPO3014 DPO3032 DPO3034 DPO3052 DPO3054
DPO2024B DPO2022B DPO2014B DPO2012B DPO2004B DPO2001B
MSO2012 MSO2014 MSO2024
MSO2012B MSO2024B MSO2022B MSO2014 MSO2004B MSO2002B