(2) 清理磚砌化糞池=;;化糞池池清掏=;;隔油池清理=;;抽糞=;;化糞池=;;鋼筋砼化糞池=;;化糞池設計=;;玻璃鋼化糞池=;;不鏽鋼化糞池=;;隔油池。
Clean up the septic tank =;; the oil tank =;; the sludge pool =; the oil dirt in the well =; clean up all kinds of sand wells.
(1) the large size of the septic tank cleaning sanitation tumbril oil tank; =; =; =; sewage pool;; industrial waste water; =; bottom cleaning septic tanks Qingtao; =; =; =; manhole bottom cleaning; cleaning.
(2) cleaning up brick septic tanks =;; septic tank cleaning; =; oil separating pond cleaning =;; pumping excrement =;; septic tank =;; reinforced concrete septic tank =;; septic tank design =;; glass toughened tank =;; stainless steel septic tank =;; stainless steel septic tank =;; oil separating pond.
Professional for the unit =; =; =; plant; hotel;; shops; =; the family provides the following services: professional dredge sewer =; =; =; toilet; toilet;; sanitation trucks cleaning septic tanks of oil pool; =; =; =; =; sewage; manholes; mud; =; =; Guan Daoqing; and; high pressure cleaning vehicle to clear the sewer cleaning service.
Invite with the property =;; the community =;; the street =; the hotel =; the hotel =; the restaurant =;; the building =; the school =;; the unit's long-term contractual cooperation!