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收购Agilent 8594EM频谱分析仪

  • 发布时间:2018-07-11 00:00:00
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证



    专业的团队,提供专业服务。可上门收购个人/工厂闲置仪器仪表 ,或者快递代收(现金交易,诚信经营,长期合作)


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    The Agilent 8594EM is a stand-alone, automated EMC precompliance analyzer that reduces the time it takes to find, measure and document radiated and conducted EMI emissions. It belongs to the Agilent 8590EM series of EMC analyzers, which do not require an external computer and automation software to perform automated EMC measurements. With an upper frequency of 2.9 GHz, the Agilent 8594EM can perform precompliance tests on products with clock frequencies up to 500 MHz.

    The Agilent 8594EM has two modes of operation: EMI analysis and spectrum analysis. With the press of a key, this analyzer converts from EMC analyzer to full-function spectrum analyzer for use in a wide variety of non-EMC applications. Based on our highly versatile 8590 E-series spectrum analyzers, this EMC analyzer simplifies the EMC measurement process with fully integrated automation features.

    Setup keys link predefined CISPR bands with correct video and CISPR resolution bandwidths. Built-in amplitude correction automatically corrects for antenna, amplifier, and cable losses. Limit-line displays simultaneously compare device signals with up to two regulatory limits and a specified measurement margin. Predefined routines automatically measure all signals over a specified frequency range. Measure, store, and report up to 239 signals automatically.


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