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  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证



    ║洗│下│西│星│冰│春│。│斯│。│居│‘│歡│富│技│熱│供│良│們│合│我│空│的│ ║


    ║機│。│子│美│。│。│C│長│ │家│店│各│驗│專│周│全│的│求│。│的│;│用│理║

    ║:│。│。│的│冰│。│L│虹│美│庭│。│單│。│業│到│可│企│;│ │服│‘│‌│拆║

    ║ │。│新│。│箱│。│。│。│的│。│;│位│ │。│。│靠│業│‘│誠│務│冷│‌│裝║

    ║美│。│飛│L│:│。│松│格│。│;│‘│;│ │有│ │。│形│的│信│宗│庫│空│各║

    ║的│。│。│G│ │。│下│蘭│格│‘│學│‘│ │著│誠│方│,│管│服│旨│ │調│種║

    ║。│ │東│。│海│ │。│仕│力│個│校│企│ │多│信│便│為│理│務│:│空│;│‌║

    ║松│ │芝│海│信│ │海│。│。│人│。│業│ │年│服│快│客│,│!│ │調│‘│‌║

    ║下│ │。│爾│。│ │信│志│奧│來│;│。│ │的│務│捷│戶│塑│ │價│。│中│品║

    ║。│ │松│。│三│ │。│高│克│電│‘│;│ │豐│。│。│提│造│我│格│ │央│牌║



    ║ │ │ │ │5│清│櫃│加│3│。│。│冰│2│冷│熱│1│。│。│花│熱│。│三│西║

    ║ │ │ │ │。│洗│。│氟│。│ │ │箱│ │庫│水│。│ │A│。│水│ │星│門║

    ║ │ │ │ │ │。│ │。│ │冷│熱│。│。│。│器│ │ │O│海│器│ │。│子║

    ║ │ │ │ │二│ │空│ │專│庫│水│ │專│ │。│專│ │史│爾│:│ │榮│。║

    ║ │ │ │ │手│金│調│無│業│等│器│冰│業│挂│ │業│ │密│。│ │ │事│小║

    ║ │ │ │ │空│剛│加│氟│空│。│。│櫃│修│牆│中│拆│ │斯│三│阿│ │達│天║

    ║ │ │ │ │調│鑽│液│冰│調│ │ │。│理│電│央│裝│ │。│星│裏│ │。│鵝║

    ║ │ │ │ │買│鑽│。│箱│。│ │中│ │空│視│空│空│ │。│。│斯│ │。│。║

    ║ │ │ │ │賣│孔│ │。│ │ │央│洗│調│機│調│調│ │。│萬│頓│ │。│海║

    ║ │ │ │ │。│。│空│ │冷│ │空│衣│。│。│。│。│ │。│家│。│ │。│爾║

    ║ │ │ │ │ │ │調│冰│庫│ │調│機│ │ │ │ │ │。│樂│櫻│ │。│。║

    ╚═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╝Family friendly friendly air conditioning repair and disassembling various brands of "friendly friendly; central air conditioning;" cold storage air conditioning. Our service aim: the price is reasonable. Good faith service! We pursue; 'management, shape good enterprise shape, provide safe and reliable for customers, convenient and quick, warm and thoughtful. Good faith service. Technical specialty. With many years of experience.

    Welcome to all units; 'enterprise.'; 'hotels.'; 'schools;' residential families; 'personal calls. Beauty. GREE. AUX. Changhong. Galanz. Hisense..TCL.. CHIGO Matsushita Chunlan....

    Refrigerator freezer. Hisense. Samsung. Haier. SIEMENS beauty.LG.. Frestech. Toshiba Matsushita......

    Washing machine: America. Panasonic. SIEMENS. Little Swan. Haier Samsung. Royalstar......

    Water heater: Ali Princeton. Sakura. Samsung. Haier. Macro.AO Smith......

    1. professional disassembly air conditioning, water heater, central air conditioning, cold storage, wall TV set.

    2. professional repair air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, water heaters, central air conditioners, cold storage, etc.

    3. professional air conditioning. Cold storage and fluorine. Fluorine free refrigerator. Ice cabinet. Air conditioner adding liquid. Air conditioner cleaning. Diamond drill hole.

    5. second-hand air conditioning business.


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