║ │ │ │詢│大│門│通│、│通│風│通│;│道│;│改│計│煙│風│中│工│通│白│ ║
║ │ │ │洽│型│安│風│油│風│管│風│=│保│;│造│、│ │ │央│程│風│鐵│承║
║ │ │ │談│加│裝│工│煙│設│等│管│環│溫│=│通│制│所│排│空│;│風│通│接║
║ │ │ │。│工│、│程│淨│計│産│道│保│;│空│風│作│有│風│調│;│管│風│:║
║ │ │ │ │廠│價│。│化│、│品│;│工│;│調│工│、│白│ │ │=│;│管│白║
║ │ │ │ │;│格│加│器│廚│;│;│程│=│管│程│加│鐵│地│廚│ │;│道│鐵║
║ │ │ │ │;│合│工│、│房│;│=│。│油│道│。│工│通│下│房│消│=│;│風║
║ │ │ │ │=│理│快│中│排│=│共│生│煙│;│通│、│風│室│排│防│白│;│管║
║ │ │ │ │歡│ │捷│央│煙│。│板│産│淨│;│風│安│工│消│煙│排│鐵│=│;║
║ │ │ │ │迎│另│、│空│系│承│法│加│化│=│管│裝│程│防│ │煙│通│白│;║
║ │ │ │ │咨│有│上│調│統│接│蘭│工│;│管│道│及│設│排│新│ │風│鐵│=║
Undertake: galvanized iron duct;; ventilation ducts; = = tin; tin; tin = ventilating tube; ventilation engineering; fire smoke; = central air conditioning ventilation basement kitchen exhaust air fire smoke all Baitie ventilation engineering design, production, processing, installation and modification of ventilation engineering. Ventilation pipe; = air conditioning pipe; = pipe insulation; = oil and smoke purification; = environmental protection engineering. Production and processing of ventilation pipes; = common plate flanged wind pipes and other products; =. To undertake ventilation design, kitchen exhaust system, oil fume purifier, central air conditioning ventilation project. There are also large processing plants with quick processing, door-to-door installation and reasonable price;