║口│法│;│3│裝│清│系│=│種│不│鐵│2│作│種│換│空│裝│管│;│設│排│安│ ║
║;│;│流│銷│ │;│工│煙│風│鋼│管│白│裝│煙│;│通│維│;│新│及│工│。│。║
║防│;│風│售│ │;│程│管│管│煙│道│鐵│工│;│;│風│修│家│風│安│程│飯│通║
║火│及│機│各│ │通│承│道│道│罩│加│加│程│;│新│管│;│用│機│裝│:│店│風║
║閥│各│淨│種│ │風│包│白│安│管│工│工│;│排│風│道│ │空│組│各│大│;│管║
║;│種│化│型│ │管│。│鐵│裝│道│制│;│ │風│管│;│ │調│;│種│小│;│道║
║;│鋁│器│號│ │道│廚│設│設│;│作│;│ │管│道│;│ │設│;│中│型│食│加║
║消│合│;│離│ │定│房│備│計│;│;│專│ │道│;│=│ │備│風│央│油│堂│工║
║聲│金│;│心│ │做│煙│通│;│=│;│業│ │的│;│室│ │的│機│空│煙│後│;║
║器│風│園│;│ │安│道│風│;│各│=│白│ │制│各│內│ │安│盤│調│罩│廚│;║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │産│誠│信│品│各│欄│塵│排│;│;│房│;│公│洗│改│道│;║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │品│建│譽│;│種│護│淨│煙│送│;│排│;│司│;│造│設│;║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │及│立│第│;│風│網│化│排│風│中│煙│燒│業│;│;│計│靜║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │服│長│一│=│口│;│通│氣│排│央│管│烤│務│=│;│;│壓║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │務│久│;│顧│及│;│風│通│風│空│道│走│涉│。│=│;│箱║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │:│的│;│客│各│=│管│風│通│調│;│煙│及│ │安│=│等║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │合│=│至│種│電│道│管│風│通│;│管│換│ │裝│加│承║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │作│願│上│黑│焊│;│道│管│風│排│道│新│ │;│工│接║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │關│與│;│白│加│;│;│道│管│油│;│風│ │;│;│通║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │系│您│;│鐵│工│。│;│;│道│煙│;│管│ │=│;│風║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │。│真│=│制│。│護│除│;│;│罩│廚│道│ │清│=│管║
╚═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╝ ventilation pipe processing; installation. The hotel dining room kitchen smoke;; hood type size: engineering design and installation of central air-conditioning;; air units;; fan coil;; installation and maintenance of household air conditioning equipment;
Air conditioning and ventilation pipe; = indoor air exchange; new air duct; all kinds of smoke exhaust; production and installation of exhaust pipe;
2. tin tin pipe; processing; professional manufacture;; = stainless steel hood; design and installation of various pipelines; = ventilation ducts;; ventilation system = smoke pipe tin equipment engineering contracting. The kitchen flue cleaning; the ventilation pipe is fixed and installed.
3., sales of various types of centrifuge; axial flow fan purifier; garden flange; and all kinds of aluminum alloy draught; fire damper; muffler; static pressure box and so on to undertake ventilation pipe design; = processing; = transformation; = installation;; = cleaning; = =
The company's business involves changing the fresh air pipeline;; barbecue smoke pipe; exhaust pipe; kitchen;; exhaust hood;; central air conditioning ventilation; ventilation; ventilation; ventilation ducts; exhaust ventilation ducts;