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  • 发布时间:2018-10-10 17:34:46
    地址:广东,广州,公司地址 :广州番禺大石东联工业C区105质检院
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    UL 10B 门配件耐火极限测试-涵盖范围:

    -  These methods of fire tests are applicable to door assemblies of various materials and types of construction for use in wall openings to retard the passage of fire

    -  Tests made in conformity with these test methods register performance during the test exposure; and such tests shall not be construed as determining compliance for use after exposure to fire

    -  It is the intent that tests made in conformity with these test methods develop data to enable regulatory bodies to determine the compliance of door assemblies for use in locations where fire resistance of a specified duration is required.

    -  These methods are intended to evaluate the ability of a door assembly to remain in an opening during a predetermined test exposure

    -  The tests expose a specimen to a standard fire exposure controlled to achieve specified temperatures throughout a specified time period, followed by the application of a specified standard fire hose stream. The exposure, however, is not representative of all fire conditions, which vary with changes in the amount, nature, and distribution of fire loading, ventilation, compartment size and configuration, and heat sink characteristics of the compartment. It does, however, provide a relative measure of fire performance of door assemblies under these specified fire exposure conditions.

    ASTM F 963 玩具阻燃防火安全测试-测试要求:

    ASTM F 963:2007第4.2条款(易燃性)和附件A4(玩具的易燃性测试程序)对玩具的燃烧性能作了规定。4.2条款中对玩具的燃烧安全定义是:玩具中使用的非纺织品(不包括纸)材料不能是易燃的;为便于测试,玩具中使用的任何纺织物应符合16 CFR 1610的规定,测试玩具易燃性的程序应遵照16 CFR 1500.44,标准中附件A4是玩具的易燃性测试程序。

    这里易燃的定义是按照依据联邦危险物质条例(FHSA)制定的16 CFR 1500.3 (C)(6)(vi)中的规定:易燃固体是指一种固态物质,当按16 CFR 1500.44中的方法测试时,会起火并燃烧,而且沿其主轴方向,自维持火焰以大于0.10 in./s的速度传播。

    ASTM F 963 玩具阻燃防火安全测试-相关标准:

    - EN71-2:2006 + A1:2007玩具安全 - 第2部分:z89g88l5ysqw易燃性

    EN 71-2:2006+A1:2007 Safety of toys—Part 2: Flammability

    - BS EN 1466:2004婴儿用品,便携式帆布床和支架的安全要求和测试标准

    BS EN 1466:2004 Child care articles. Carry cots and stands. Safety requirements and test methods

    - BS EN 14878:2007 纺织品,儿童睡衣的燃烧行为,规范

    BS EN 14878:2007 Textiles. Burning behaviour of children's nightwear. Specification


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