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双电源;DPT63-CB010 C40 3P

  • 发布时间:2020-07-10 00:00:00
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

    ABB DPT-CB010系列双电源自动转换开关;DPT63-CB010 C40 3P


    The dual power automatic switch is delayed when switching standby power supply. This delay mainly affects the conversion from main power to standby power supply. There are strict requirements for the conversion time of some electric equipment to the automatic switching switch of dual power supply. Therefore, the conversion time of the electric equipment must be optimistic when the automatic switching switch of the dual power supply is selected. Here are some requirements for conversion time of power supply equipment to double power automatic switch.


    When the dual power automatic switching switch has self switching function, when the main power supply is restored to normal power supply, the dual power automatic switch switch should be switched back to the main power supply after the delay of the switch.


    The dual power automatic switch switch usually does not allow a large motor or high inductance load conversion. This type of load is switched in operation. When the phase difference between the two power supplies is large, the motor will be subjected to huge mechanical stress. At the same time, the overcurrent caused by the back EMF caused by the motor will lead to fuse fuses or circuit breaker tripping. Therefore, when the dual power automatic switch switch with large motor or high inductance load conversion, the two groups of dynamic contacts should increase a delay time before conversion, that is, the time delay conversion type dual power automatic switching switch should be selected, and the time delay time depends on the load condition.


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