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  • 发布时间:2018-10-26 16:45:10
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

    项目名称:年加工60套展柜建设项目,建设主要内容:建设厂房、办公用房等建筑谬500平方米。年加工展柜3000米,1、展柜柜体生产工艺:外购木工板—下料—打孔—装配—批灰—打磨—喷漆—木制齐成品,外购玻璃—裁切—夹胶—打直角—喷砂—喷漆—打圆头—清洗—玻璃半成品,外购不锈钢、型材—下料—打孔—金属件半成品,木制齐成品、金属件半成品、玻璃半成品、外购石材及LED灯等—组装—展柜柜体;2、展柜屏风生产工艺:外购木工板—下料—雕刻—批灰—打磨—喷漆—展柜屏风 主要设备:空压机、备用发电机、精密裁板锯、钻床、气钉、手工打磨机、喷、手工玻璃刀、玻璃夹胶机、玻璃磨边机、玻璃直角机、喷砂机、玻璃清洗机、水锯、型材切割机、雕刻机等,项目产品市场需求量大,生产前景良好。


    企业名称:沈丘县昆巍养殖专业合作社经核查,你单位申请备案的年出栏6500头生猪养殖项目,符合产业政策,准予备案。备案内容如下:一、建设:莲池镇童庄行政村二、建设主要内容:新建化猪舍6000平方米,房、饲料加工间及仓库1000平方米,防疫室200平方米,粪便处理池800平方米。工艺技术:母猪繁育-防疫-育肥-销售。主要设备:产床、饲料加工机、防疫设备、自动引水设备等。三、建设起止年限:2016年08月 至 2017年04月四、总 投 资:4800万元 ,其中: 企业自筹4800万元,   国内0万元,  其它资金0万元。

    Project name: with an annual output of 500000 cubic meters of bituminous concrete project. Construction main content: the project covers an area of 3300 square meters, the existing office between dorm room 8, 150 square meters, the new production workshop 800 square meters. Technological process: feed - mixing - product - transportation. Major equipment: mixer, concrete, loadometer, forklift truck, etc.

    Project name: annual output of 20000 tons of PVC pipe construction project. The construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 110 mu, total construction area of 34500 square meters. Workshop 5, building 1, one testing center. Annual output of 20000 tons of PVC pipes. Raw material: resin, calcium powder, paraffin wax, stearic acid, CPE, stabilizer. Production process: raw materials - kneading, extrusion - the vacuum - printing - winding - flaring - finished products. PVC, SG65 extrusion molding machine 5, high-speed mixing 5, low-speed mixing 5. Good market prospect.

    Project name: deep processing of 200000 tons of coal construction project. Construction of the main content: the construction land 100 mu, building area of 8000 square meters. Main construction production unit, storage and transportation facilities, office buildings, etc. Issue of coal tar deep processing technology of the project: dehydration to distillation, the fraction of washing - naphthalene crystallizing - asphalt. Second phase of waste lubricating oil hydrogenation process: waste lubricating oil to blow film evaporation, vacuum distillation to hydrogenation to heat exchanger, separator, vacuum dehydration and base oil. Major equipment: heat exchanger, evaporator, cooler, process pump, etc. The third phase of HW copper (nickel) production process: copper (nickel) waste to acid leaching, solid-liquid separation, extraction and electricity product; Major equipment: pool heap leaching, pressure filter, extraction box, electric tank, rectifier.


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