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  • 发布时间:2018-10-29 11:09:14
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    企业名称:漯河市盛鑫置业有限公司经核查,你单位申请备案的盛鑫建材、仓储综合市场项目,该项目符合《产业结构指导目录[2011年本]》,准予备案。备案内容如下:一、建设:漯河市沙澧产业集聚区二、建设主要内容:该项目525亩,总建筑谬370000平方米,主要建设住宅楼10栋247500平方米,三层建材商铺85300平方米,双层仓储库房27200平方米,以及绿化、供排水、消防、停车场等其它配套设施10000平方米。该项目市场前景良好,效益可观。三、建设起止年限:2016年08月 至 2019年10月四、总 投 资:150000万元 ,其中: 企业自筹150000万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。

    Project name: annual output of 300000 tons of milk beverage production project. Main content: the construction standard workshop of 50000 square meters, office building, dormitory, dining room, a total of 15000 square meters, dairy and beverage canned aseptic automatic production line 12. Technology: powder demineralized water to allocate and homogenizer, the high temperature instantaneous sterilization - cooling - automatic packing - check - - sampling - put in storage. Major equipment: storage tanks, water treatment equipment, mixing tank, instantaneous sterilization machine, homogeneous machine, fully automatic packaging machine.



    Project name: annual output of 30000 tons of mechanical parts production line upgrade project. Construction of the main content: the project was carried out in the original workshop with annual capacity of 30000 tons of mechanical parts production line upgrading. Technology: product development - machining - welding - assembly - cleaning - finished products - packing. The main equipment: CNC lathe, drilling machine, milling machine, grinding machine, etc.

    Project name: forging mould and process of ball and socket hardware projects. Construction of the main content: a. The main construction content and scale: annual output can reach 720000 pieces of existing plants. 2. Technology: heating, forging, molding forging and normalizing, forging metal can be used to improve the hardware mechanical strength, improve the product performance. Three main equipment (including introduction) : heating furnace, cooler, forging machine, shot blasting machine, cutting machine, machining center.

    Project name: annual output of 500 tons profiles doors and Windows project. Construction of the main content: 2 mu, construction of factory building 1500 square meters, annual output of 500 tons of profile Windows and doors. Process: raw materials - cutting - assembly - finished products. Major equipment: extrusion.


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