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  • 发布时间:2018-10-29 15:52:44
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    Project name: annual output of 1200 tons of ceramic grinding wheel and high precision polishing wheel (above 450 mm in diameter), construction project, the construction of main contents: the project is to rent the original area of 7.8 mu, the annual output of 1200 tons of proed construction ceramic grinding wheel and high precision polishing wheel (above 450 mm in diameter), the production line. Technology: outsourcing of raw materials (ceramic particles) - mixing - hydraulic press processing - fire molding - check - packaging. Major equipment: automatic mixing pot, four-column hydraulic press, furnace, etc.

    Project name: processing 500000 square building decoration in a high-level aluminum veneer, aluminous model board of 1.5 million project. Construction of the main content: the new standard workshop of 27000 square meters. Production raw materials adopt outsourcing aluminum plate, using "aluminum plate blanking - CNC Angle of attack, punching, bending, kun, correction, argon arc welding, correction - kind of aluminium welding nail - ribbed - polishing - check - frame - water - roasting - on a - blowing dust - spray primer - flow flat - - flow flat - spray paint spray varnish - flow flat - cure - parts, packaging, warehousing" under the technological process, the annual output of 500000 building decorative aluminum veneer, 1.5 million ability of aluminum-plastic plate, purchase a full set of CNC sheet metal processing equipment, automatic control of electrostatic spraying equipment, shearing machine, bending machine, punch machine, engring machine, slotting machine, etc. The main equipment.



    为什么要找专业机构编写可行性研究报告?如果非专业人员撰写可研报告,会出现很多问题,作为专业机构可以指出可行性研究中存在的问题,分析其原因,研究其对策,更好地为投资决策服务,是十分必要的。 常见问题:深够,所谓深够,就是该写的篇章都写了,但研究得不深不透,论据不充分,论述不详细,定性描述多,定量计算差;例如:有的缺少生产规模确定原则和计算,有的缺少设计方案的确定原则,有的缺少主要生产设备的计算,有的节能篇中只是泛泛地描述,缺少具体的节能措施和节能指标,有的保护篇仍然采用已经作废的,缺少具体的环保措施;在经济评价中,对基础数据的来源不调查,不研究,不分析其可靠性和真实性等等;


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