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  • 发布时间:2018-12-26 20:35:54

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    How does watermark food stamps differ
    In addition to the national general food stamps, many local food stamps are also printed with water stamps. In this way, a large number of watermarked food stamps appeared.
    Among the local food stamps, the earliest watermark food stamps appeared was the 1966 edition of Sichuan food stamps. This set of food stamps consists of four pieces with denominations of 30kg / 50kg / 100kg and 500kg respectively. In addition to 30kg, the other three have watermarks with different patterns. This is the only set of watermark food stamps that appeared in the 1960s.水印图案变化最多的是辽宁80年地方粮票。这套粮票连同81年版20斤粮票在内,共有七种面额,分别为:1两、2两、一斤、二斤、伍斤、十斤和二十斤。除了二两面额的水印图案是空心五角星外,其余均为五星火炬图案。而变化最频繁的即为水印中火炬的角度和火焰的方向。有人专门进行过统计,发现不同角度、不同方向的火炬图案多达20多种。如果把不同的水印图案也计算在内的话,辽宁1980年版地方粮票(含81年版20斤票)共计有二十五种。
    The watermark pattern changed most in Liaoning Province in 1980. This set of food stamps, together with the 81 - year edition of the 20 - catty food stamps, has seven denominations, namely, 1liang, 2liang, 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg and 20kg. Except that the watermark pattern of two denominations is a hollow five-pointed star, the rest are all five-pointed torch patterns. The most frequent changes are the angle of the torch and the direction of the flame in the watermark. Some people have made special statistics and found more than 20 torch designs from different angles and directions. If different watermark patterns are also included, there are 25 kinds of local food stamps in Liaoning inncluding the 81st edition of 20kg stamps ).



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