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崇宁重宝 几天成交

  • 发布时间:2019-01-07 21:21:59

    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    The Northern Song Dynasty was the time when the year money prevailed in ancient China. The Northern Song Dynasty's New Year's Money was cast for a long time, almost running through the whole dynasty. There are many kinds, close to one-fifth of the annual money cast in previous dynasties. The amount of coins is 20 times larger than that of the Tang Dynasty, and there are still a large number of coins in existence. The casting work was excellent, Qian Wen had a rich book style, and the emperor personally wrote Qian Wen's New Year's Note, which was of high artistic value.


    For thousands of years, ancient coins have gone through vicissitudes, the number of existing coins has decreased and the value of investment has increased day by day. In the past decade, the market of ancient coins has gone up all the way, especially some Chinese antique coins are in great demand. By 2009, there has been an astonishing increase. Ten years ago, the Northern Song Dynasty and Qing Dynasty coins were only a few yuan each, but now they have increased hundreds of times and are still rising. This phenomenon deserves the attention of the majority of coin collectors.

    崇宁重宝,中国古钱币之一。北宋徽宗崇宁年间铸(公元1102年~1106年)。 面文“崇宁重宝”隶书对读,古朴方正,多为光背,少数背有星、月、十字等。崇宁重宝是北宋末年比较重要的钱币之一,它和北宋其他钱币不一样的地方就是只有一种隶书体,目前多为传世珍品,世人评此为“宋代第一泉”,与新莽并称中国钱发“二圣”公元1100年1月,北宋皇帝哲宗病故,由其弟赵佶接替做了北宋第八任皇帝,为宋徽宗。徽宗“性甚机巧,优于技艺”,终日沉迷于书法绘画,不理朝纲。他在位25年,先后铸造了圣宋通宝、崇宁通宝(重宝)、大观通宝、政和通宝(重宝)、重和通宝、宣和通宝(元宝)等6种钱币,其中崇宁通宝和大观通宝的钱文是徽宗亲书的瘦金体。令人叫绝的是折十型瘦金书体的崇宁通宝,青铜精制,文字骨秀格清,惹得众多古钱币收藏者爱不忍释。

    Chongning Chongbao, one of the ancient Chinese coins. During the reign of Emperor Huizong and Emperor Chongning of the Northern Song Dynasty6 AD ). The official script of " Chong Ning Chong Bao" in Mianwen was read in pairs. It was of primitive simplicity and square style, mostly with bare backs, and a few with stars, moons and crosses on their backs. Chongning Heavy Treasure is one of the most important coins in the late Northern Song Dynasty. It is different from other coins in the Northern Song Dynasty in that it has only one official script and is now mostly a treasure handed down from ancient times. The world regards it as the " No.1 Spring of the Song Dynasty" and calls it " Two Saints" with Xinmang. In January 1100, Emperor Zhezong of the Northern Song Dynasty died and his brother Zhao Ji succeeded him as the 8th Emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty and became Song Huizong. Huizong " is very skillful in sex and superior to skill" and indulges in calligraphy and painting all day long, ignoring the outline of the court. During his 25 years in office, he has coined six kinds of coins, namely, Sheng Song Tong Bao, Chong Ning Tong Bao ( Chong Bao ), Da Guan Tong Bao, Zheng He Tong Bao ( Chong Bao ), Chong He Tong Bao, Xuan He Tong Bao ( Yuan Bao ), among which Qian Wen, Chong Ning Tong Bao and Da Guan Tong Bao, are the thin gold body of Hui clan's pro - book. What is amazing is that the ten-fold thin gold calligraphy style of Chong Ning Tong Bao, refined bronze, and clear characters and bones have provoked many collectors of ancient coins to love it and not tolerate it.










    Chongning heavy treasure _ transaction record over the years:
    Northern Song Dynasty " Chong Ning Chong Bao" Tie Mu - transaction price: RMBtransaction date 20
    The original mother of the woodcut edition of " Chong Ning Chong Bao" in the Northern Song Dynasty - transaction price: RMBtransaction date 26
    North Song Dynasty " Chong Ning Chong Bao" Back to " Ten" One - Transaction Price: RMBTransaction Date 08
    Qing chongning heavy treasure sample money - transaction price: RMBtransaction date 16
    Northern Song Dynasty " Chong Ning Chong Bao" Mother Money - Transaction Price: RMBTransaction Date: November
    Chong Ning Chong Bao Tie Mu - transaction price: RMBtransaction date 19
    Chongning heavy treasure - transaction price: RMBtransaction date 20
    Chongning heavy treasure - transaction price: RMBtransaction date 23


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