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  • 发布时间:2019-01-07 21:23:03

    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    Meteorite, known as " the alien stone of heaven", is a kind of stone, iron or stone-iron mixed material, also known as " meteorite", in which the unburned cosmic meteor outside the earth breaks away from its original orbit or scatters into fragments on the earth or other planets. Most meteorites come from the asteroid belt, and a small part from the moon and Mars. Meteorites are scattered beauty of nature, silent poems and immortal paintings, and many scholars and scholars have forged an indissoluble bond with meteorites through the ages.


    As the name implies, a glass meteorite is a meteorite with a similar shape to glass. It is a kind of rock meteorite. It is Shi Ying - type meteorite that melts after entering the atmosphere and quickly condenses after falling to the ground. Its colors are black, dark green and brown. The surface layer has elongated bubbles and circular bubbles of different sizes, some of which resemble a crater - like pattern on the surface of the moon. It was once called " Lei Gong Mo" in ancient China.


    Meteorites are precious because they are not easy to get. Debris from distant space will easily sink into the sea and find no trace when it falls to the earth's surface after a long journey. Diamonds are hardly comparable to precious glass meteorites. Glass meteorites can remain basically unchanged for billions of years. Researchers can learn more about the early universe by studying these meteorites, which are of high scientific research value. Some developed countries have to contend for things to form a situation where glass meteorites are soaring and are really worth a stone. Because of its tough texture, glass meteorites can be carved into hand ornaments and chest ornaments, which are very expensive in the jewelry market.


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