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青岛手提袋价格 青岛手提袋类型

  • 发布时间:2019-04-28 13:20:34
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    Handbag Film Covering


    Coating, also known as post-press over-plastics, post-press gluing or post-press pasting, refers to the formation of a paper-plastic integration process by covering a layer ofthick transparent plastic film on the surface of a printed product, which is generally divided into pre-coating and post-printing finishing processes. According to the different materials used, there are high-light film and sub-light film. With the use of environmentally friendly water-borne solvents, the environmental protection of the film coating process has been further improved. Non-kraft paper bags mostly adopt Film-covering technology, mainly because Film-covering can increase the concentration of color, the product has good waterproof and pollution-proof performance, the physical properties of paper such as aging resistance, tearing resistance and puncture resistance are generally improved, and then the fastness and strength of paper bags are improved, and the carrying capacity is obviously enhanced. In particular, the use of matte film can give people a soft, feeling.


    Several points should be paid attention to in the process of covering handheld paper bags: 1) selecting suitable glue, especially full-plate metal ink products and following concave-convex processing; 2) controlling the speed of coating and choosing suitable sizing amount according to the speed of vehicle; 3) the products that need to be covered must be dry after printing before they can be covered, and the products that have just been covered need to be placed for a period of time before rolling, cutting and concave-convex processing; (4) Dedusting operation before coating should be carried out when spraying too much powder during printing; _Strengthen the examination of corona effect of film, etc. If we do not pay attention to the above control points, it is easy to cause quality accidents such as defilm, blistering, pitting, and even lead to mass scrap.




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