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青岛手提袋哪家便宜 青岛手提袋批发

  • 发布时间:2019-04-28 13:21:45
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    Surface Finishing of Handbag


    The surface finishing technology of stamping, UV, polishing and other printing products is widely used in the production of portable paper bags. It greatly satisfies people's pursuit of paper bags. In the production process, we must also control the key points in these processes.


    Compared with the printing process, the stamping process has strong metal sense, good consistency, bright color and rich stereoscopic sense. Good stamping effect depends on the organic coordination of temperature, pressure and speed. The following factors should be paid attention to in hot stamping operation: surface smoothness of hot stamping products; surface printing post-processing technology of hot stamping products (film coating, oil passing, etc.); hot stamping suitability of electrolytic aluminium used; status of hot stamping plate and hot stamping machine, etc. Hot stamping is a complex process technology. In the process of hot stamping, taking full account of the above factors, it is possible to achieve satisfactory hot stamping effect.


    Surface polishing technology mainly refers to UV polishing and ordinary polishing. The polishing process can keep good gloss effect and improve the surface wear resistance of the printed products, especially the use of UV polishing and partial UV polishing in the paper bag processing process, which makes the printing level of the paper bag thick and compact, luster rich and moisturizing, printing theme prominent and strong sense of sight.




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