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  • 发布时间:2020-03-27 12:56:29
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证



    电动三轮环卫车辆价格 电动三轮垃圾车清运车广泛适用于环卫、市政、厂矿企业、物业小区、垃圾多而集中的居民区。一车可带多个大厢,在装卸的运输过程中可有效地避免二次污染。改装部分与原车底盘为可分离式,维修方便且保持了原车的机动性及行驶性能。

    购车洽谈:通过电话联系或实地考察洽谈车辆型号、价格和相关要求。                        签订合同:双方签订车辆购销合同并预付合同定金,传真签订合同、实地签订合同均可               安排生产:济宁三石工程机械有限公司根据合同要求,安排车间生产。                        交付车辆:车辆交付验收,支付车辆余款,完成相关手续

    Since the loading and unloading type garbage tricycle electric three wheel garbage truck price

    Since the loading and unloading type garbage tricycle electric three wheel garbage truck price jining three stone manufacturers custom

    Electric three-wheel sanitation vehicle price electric three-wheel garbage truck truck is widely used in sanitation, municipal, factories and mining enterprises, property estates, garbage and concentrated residential areas. One car can take more than one car, which can effectively avoid secondary pollution in the process of loading and unloading. The modified part is separable from the original chassis, which is convenient for maintenance and maintains the mobility and driving performance of the original vehicle.

    Purchase negotiations: through telephone contact or field visit to negotiate vehicle models, prices and related requirements. Sign the contract: both parties sign the vehicle purchase and sales contract and prepay the contract deposit, fax the contract, sign the contract on the spot can arrange the production: jining sanshi construction machinery co., ltd. according to the contract requirements, arrange the workshop production. Vehicle delivery: vehicle delivery and acceptance, payment of vehicle balance, completion of relevant procedures


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