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大型户外场地造雪机 大功率造雪机 人工户外造雪机

  • 发布时间:2019-08-03 11:40:33
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

      Structure: 3 tires and rotatable brackets

      金耀造雪机的优势:自动化 360°旋转 质保长 不堵塞 不结冻

      Advantages of Jinyao Snowmaking Machine: Automation 360 degree Rotation Quality Guarantee, Non-clogging and Non-freezing


      Use and Maintenance of Jinyao Snow Maker


      Check the virtual connection at the power connection before starting. Is the voltage stable­ If the power supply is from a generator set, the continuous power supply shall not be less than 380 volts. Is the valve frozen and blocked­ If blocked, electric heating can be turned on for preheating. Is the joint of nozzle, nucleator and nozzle sealed­ If the seal ring aging or leakage timely replacement. Ensure positive rotation of fan and air compressor. The oil level of the air compressor is kept at the red line. If there is ice during snow making, it should be cleared in time to avoid splashing and injuring people. Check the performance of pressure gauge, pressure relief valve of barometer, belt tightening before each snowmaking, and drain the remaining water in the pipeline after use. Clean nozzles and filters properly according to local water quality. Bearings, bolts, telescopic rods, turntables are regularly oiled to maintain the lubrication of the components. Change the oil and air filters once every snowy season.


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