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  • 发布时间:2019-09-07 15:40:30



    When it comes to the "treasures" in the guts and stomachs of animals, people are familiar with bezoar, dog treasure and horse treasure, which are also known as the "three treasures" of traditional Chinese medicine. Bovine bezoar is the gallstone of cattle or buffalo; dog treasure is the stomach stone of canine; horse treasure is the stomach stone of diseased horse. It is understood that, as the three treasures are more rare, the current market price is also a high climb, such as natural cattle yellow, the price of each gram is in thousands of yuan, the individual is big and the color is good, the price is also up to ten thousand yuan. But recently, a small fish Bao has become the highlight of the collection.


    Fish treasure, commonly known as fish bite, is rarely paid attention to. It is indeed an important medicinal material that is not commonly used. It is the stone in the stomach of the fish. Because the ordinary fish rarely appear fish treasure. Often found in large seabed organisms such as sharks and whale. It is extremely hard to see that it does not enter the commonly used medicinal books.


    Yu Bao is a kind of stone product of the deposit of fish bone. It has high medicinal value, such as Niu Bao, Ma Bao, Gou Bao, pig sand and so on; and Niu Bao, Ma Bao, Gou Bao, pig sand and called the rare medicinal stones in the five big animals. If you have this, you can treasure it and do the pendant in order to avoid legends, such as evil, and so on. In the market, the price is very expensive, and it is very rare to see this.


    The value of the fish is reflected in the calcium element. The value of the calcium element to 35% is about 5-10 million per carat per carat. Calcium is a metal element, Ca, in the periodic table of chemical elements in a silver white crystal at the fourth period and at normal temperature. Animal bones, clams and eggshells contain calcium carbonate. It can be used as deoxidizer for alloys, dehydrating agent for oils, reducing agent for metallurgy, desulfurizing and decarbonizing agent for iron and iron alloys and getter for electron tubes. Its compounds are of great use in industry, construction and medicine.


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