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  • 发布时间:2019-10-21 10:08:56
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证






    Now we see that more and more wall paintings are painted by wall painters, not only the paint effect is very good, but also help businesses save a lot of unnecessary engineering costs, many entrepreneurs want to join the project. Let me introduce you to the wall spray painting machine. What is its investment cost­

    In many commercial districts, such as commercial districts, cinemas, Internet cafes, cafes, shopping malls, photo shops and so on, people want to have their own customized personalized wall decoration. Use only wall spray printers to place the pictures to be produced. On the computer, it's easy to help you print pictures on the wall. This is an artificial intelligence machine that can make its own paintings. It is simple and labor-saving, and can help you and your customers save a lot of money, so that one hundred and one enterprises will naturally find the door.

    Interior decoration, wall spray painting machine is just the gospel of the team decoration company. It can help customers create more and more beautiful decoration style. Landscape, ink, oil painting, 3D painting and so on can help you pull an additional business.

    Outdoor murals, and now the new rural cultural wall is the most concern of many bosses. If you have any project contracting, then you do not have to hesitate, wall spraying machine can save you a lot of manpower and money. At the same time, let you easily complete the project.

    Secondly, let's talk about the cost of investment that everyone cares about. The investment cost of wall spray painting machine is not very high. It can be said that it is very low compared with other start-up projects, and the cost of ink consumed by each painting can be neglected.


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