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  • 发布时间:2019-10-22 09:19:08
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证











    With the popularity of murals, painters gradually appeared in everyone's eyes, and gradually occupied the hand-painted market. It is clearly unlikely that wall artists will go anywhere. After all, they are engaged in art or battle in this industry. Over the years, abandonment may not be appropriate. Many people may feel that this feeling is exaggerated. Let's do some analysis below.

    1. Color painting machines gradually occupy the market, pure manual painting competition will be very fierce, leading to a part of the lack of viability of the force is very difficult, can not accept a single, and these people choose not to change, can only strive to reduce prices as an advantage, with the passage of time, the profits of the whole market will become lower and lower.

    2. Machine efficiency is high, normal speed is 11 square meters per hour, the fastest can reach 40 square meters. How to compare this efficiency­ Can I work 24 hours­

    3. Ink cost, one square is equal to two-yuan cost. How does labor cost compete­ Some people say that machine-printed pictures are not artistic. Not everyone knows art. Most people feel good and look good. How many people pursue real art­ How many of these people can be your customers­

    4. In some cases, such as high exterior walls or extreme cold and hot weather, it is difficult to draw by hand, and the work efficiency will be greatly reduced and very difficult.

    This machine can not completely replace hand-drawn, because some machines can not draw in some places, but now does not mean that it will not be able to use in the future. Society is progressing and technology is developing.

    It is suggested that friends engaged in hand-painted, advertising and entrepreneurial activities should first learn about color painting machines. Especially for hand-drawing, you can combine people with machines to make up for the shortcomings of machines, so it will be much easier to take orders.

    In the past, many people thought Ma Yun was engaging in pyramid selling activities. He is a cheat. Instead of choosing Taobao, he opened the market and promoted the brand. He missed a lot of room for development.

    Now you have missed the e-commerce, can you miss the painter­

    Knowing so much, I think you already know. Painting machines have many uses. It's just a lobby, a shopping mall, a hotel and a club, so this project can provide you with home wall painting, internal and external engineering. Murals, invisible paintings and so on, if you like!


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