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厂家直销有保障 彩虹滑道直销厂家 仅需128

  • 发布时间:2020-02-27 16:35:51



    The rapid popularity of rainbow slideway installation not only brings infinite joy to tourists, but also brings new investment opportunities to investors.


    Rainbow slideway installation has high appearance value, small investment and high public awareness. It can be safely invested and operated in scenic spots, farms, parks, amusement parks and other places. It will be the popular king of the place!


    The era of relying on mountains and rivers for scenic spots has passed, and content innovation is the top priority of scenic spots. However, the development of new projects is not a one-day success, and the scenic spot has no experience and time to do project innovation. At present, it only relies on the amusement project engineering company to provide some standard projects for the scenic spot, such as rafting, roller coaster, glass plank road, etc.


    Therefore, the amusement projects of each scenic spot are the same and the same. In addition to the natural potential resources, such as waterfalls, rock walls, lakes, etc., other new projects that can be pasted and conditional scenic spots should be on.


    Urgent demand for secondary consumption


    There are two ways to increase the income of scenic spots: one is to increase the flow of tourists, the other is to increase the unit price of tourists. The former is limited by many conditions, the design of rainbow slideway is not easy to implement, while the latter is relatively easy to guide the secondary consumption of tourists entering the park, promote consumption and expand business income.

    厂家直销有保障 彩虹滑道直销厂家 仅需128


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