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  • 发布时间:2021-05-31 11:01:58
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

    丹麦 Thrane SAILOR 6280/ SAILOR 6281 AIS System 船载自动识别系统

    品牌:Thrane 丹麦


    型号:SAILOR 6280/6281

    The SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System (Class A) is a SAILOR product through and through. From the innovative ‘black box’ system design and user friendly touch screen operation, to flexible installation possibilities and inherent durability, it is built on the fundamental qualities that have made SAILOR a well respected name in maritime communication. You can trust it to reliably broadcast your AIS data and display that of vessels around you, ensuring your ability to operate safely and efficiently.

    Installation possibilities

    A major innovation of the SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System is its modular design. Being a ‘black box’ solution ensures highly flexible installation possibilities. It is 100 % network integrated; just install the black box transponder wherever convenient and connect it via LAN (using the sophisticated Lightweight Ethernet protocol) to the SAILOR 6004 Control Panel (touch display) for complete installation flexibility.

    Touch innovation

    SAILOR has pioneered the use of touch screen bridge equipment with the SAILOR

    6006 Message Terminal, which is part of the industry leading SAILOR 6000 GMDSS

    Series. The new touch display for the SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System is a natural

    progression of this, offering intuitive and familiar control. Operating the SAILOR

    6280/6281 AIS System is similar to using your smartphone; simply activate the

    functions by activating the app on the display. This is a concept that can truly revolutionize the way to work on the bridge.

    Advanced features



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