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  • 发布时间:2021-05-24 13:32:25
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

    •Category of tests 测试类别

    •The tests are categorized on a modular basis as follows: 这些测试按模块化进行分类,如下所示:

    •— Phase 1 tests are quantitative suspension tests to establish that active substances or products under development have bactericidal, fungicidal or sporicidal activity without regard to specific areas of application. Phase 1 tests cannot be used for any product claim. 第1阶段测试是定量悬浮测试,旨在确定正在开发的活性物质或产品具有杀菌,杀真菌或杀孢子活性,而无需考虑特定的应用领域。第1阶段测试不能用于任何产品声明。

    •— Phase 2 comprises two steps: 第二阶段包括两个步骤:

    •a) Phase 2, step 1 tests are quantitative suspension tests to establish that a product has bactericidal, fungicidal, yeasticidal, mycobactericidal, tuberculocidal, sporicidal or virucidal activity under simulated practical conditions appropriate to its intended use; 第2阶段第1步测试是定量悬浮测试,以确定产品在适合其预期用途的模拟实际条件下具有杀菌,杀真菌,杀菌,分枝杆菌,杀结核,杀孢子或杀病毒活性;

    •b) Phase 2, step 2 tests are quantitative laboratory tests to establish that a product has bactericidal, fungicidal, yeasticidal, mycobactericidal, tuberculocidal, sporicidal or virucidal activity when applied to a surface or skin under simulated practical conditions (e.g. surface, instrument, handwash and handrub tests); 第2步,第2步测试是定量的实验室测试,以确定在模拟实际条件下(例如表面,仪器,洗手液)施用于表面或皮肤时,产品具有杀菌,杀真菌,杀菌,分枝杆菌杀灭,杀结核,杀孢子或杀病毒活性和手擦测试);

    •— Phase 3 tests are field tests under practical conditions. Applicable methodologies for this type of test are not yet available, but may be developed in the future. Guidance on the design of phase 3 tests and the use of data from phase 3 tests is provided in Annex C. 第三阶段的测试是在实际条件下的现场测试。这种类型的测试的适用方法尚不可用,但可能会在将来开发。附件C中提供了有关第3阶段测试的设计指南以及第3阶段测试的数据使用的指南。



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