PNI13759 9轴姿态内置算法IMU模块RM3100磁传感器 现货
Simplify development with embedded sensor fusion algorithms
PNI’s motion and measurement modules provide accurate heading and orientation data in a small, low-power and easy-to-integrate package.
The M&M modules are small form-factor boards that integrate PNI’s ultra-low-power SENtral or SENtral-A2 motion coprocessors with embedded sensor fusion algorithms and motion sensors.
The PNI M&M modules allow developers to focus on creating innovative end-applications rather than the sensor fusion algorithms.
Unlike other inertial measurement units (IMUs) requiring extensive sensor fusion algorithm development and sensor calibration work, the M&M modules are pre-engineered to provide high accuracy motion tracking, heading and environmental data – at a fraction of the power used by a general-purpose microprocessor.
PNI M&M Blue 9-Axis module includes: SENtral, RM3100 magnetic sensor, and ST LSM330 Accel/Gyro (part number: 13759).
PNI M&M Amber 10-Axis module includes: SENtral-A2, RM3100 magnetic sensor, ST LSM6DSL Accel/Gyro and ST LPS25H pressure sensor (part number: 14047).
型号 传感器 尺寸(长×宽×厚) 部件编号
M&M白色 无(仅SENtral) 8.64×8.64×0.81mm 13734
M&M红色 MPU6500(加速度/陀螺)+AK8963(磁传感器) 11×11×1.43mm 13763
M&M绿色 LSM330(加速度/陀螺)+AK8963 11×11×1.43mm 13736
M&M黄色 LSM9DS0(加速度/陀螺/磁传感器) 11×11×1.43mm 13738
M&M蓝色 LSM330+RM3100(磁传感器) 22×11×6.75mm 13759
M&M橙色 BMI055(加速度/陀螺)+AK8963 11×11×1.43mm 13771
M&M紫色 BMI160(加速度/陀螺)+BMM150(磁传感器)+BMP280(气压) 11×11×1.43mm 13807
M&M粉红 LSM6DS3(加速度/陀螺)+AK9911(磁传感器)+LPS25H(气压) 11×11×1.43mm 13813
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