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  • 发布时间:2025-01-11 11:35:09
    用户等级:铜牌会员 已认证

    ,供应到沙特阿拉伯快递就选择DHL物流,就选择义乌DHL运输义乌市安邦国际货运有限公司成立于2006年是经金华义乌市工商行政管理局批准成立的一家长期从事国际航空,快递,海运物流的国际物流公司,公司有着丰富的物流管理经验,优秀的服务团队,专业的物流配送、航空速递、海运 汽车运输、仓储于一体,跨区域、网络化、信息化、智能化、国际化,能为客户解决各种国际物流方案。
        空运业务方面;国际货运一级代理,代理EK TG UPS FEXDE TK EY BA PO ET AM SU等航空公司,提供门到门、货到付款,空运服务。
         海运业务方面:船泊HMM、YML、WHL、CSAV、APL、TSL、ESL、RCL、K-LINE、MSC、EVERGREEN、KMTC等整箱 ,拼箱、外贸代理、进口清关、代理商检、代办商检等 提供门到门、货到付款,海运服务
    所有在本公司发的国际快递、国际空运,国际海运 无论是到世界那个国家、地区,无论何时何地发的,我们都会有专门的工作人员全程为您提供免费的跟踪服务,让您更加省心。
         安邦的每一位员工都真诚地期待与您携手合作,真诚地希望能与您创造互利双赢的合作机会,共创事业的成功、共创美好的明天.Yiwu ANBANG International Logistic Co.,Ltd. We are  engaged in international aviation , express, shipping logistics and international logistics company  which was established in 2006 by the YiWu Jinhua Administration for Industry approved. We have a wealth of experience in logistics management , excellent teamwork service, professional logistics and distribution, air courier , shipping, Motor Transport, warehousing. Inter-regional, networking , information, intelligence , international, can solve a variety of international logistics problems for customers.
    Advantages: Transport of liquid, powder, food, medicine , health products , chemicals , cosmetics, nail polish , perfume, battery products , Fake brand goods , ink cartridges , toner cartridges , batteries , hazardous materials , and all sensitive goods .
    About expressage: international agent DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT, SKYNET and other large international air transportation , providing door to door , Cash on delivery , courier services
    About Air Transport : international freight agent, agent EK TG UPS FEXDE TK EY BA PO ET AM SU and other airlines , providing door to door , cash on delivery , air freight services.
    About Shipping: boating HMM, YML, WHL, CSAV, APL, TSL, ESL, RCL, K-LINE, MSC, EVERGREEN, KMTC other FCL, LCL, foreign trade agency , customs clearance, agent commodity inspection , do commo


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