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  • 发布时间:2023-10-26 11:17:08
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

    SST 5136-DNP-PCI是一种网络接口模块,提供高质量的网络连接解决方案。该模块采用DNP协议,支持多种网络接口和总线,包括DeviceNet Pro接口卡和PCI总线。


    1. 高质量的数据传输:支持高达1Mbaud的CAN数据速率,确保数据传输的高效性和实时性。

    2. 广泛的接口支持:支持多种网络接口和总线,包括DeviceNet Pro接口卡和PCI总线,可以满足不同应用场景的需求。

    3. 灵活的安装方式:采用模块化设计,可以方便地安装在控制室或其他需要网络连接的场所。

    4. 可靠的数据处理能力:采用高性能处理器和高效的算法,确保数据处理的高效性和准确性。

    5. 易于使用和维护:提供友好的用户界面和易于使用的功能,方便用户进行配置和维护。

    It is a network interface module that provides high-quality network connection solutions. This module adopts the DNP protocol and supports multiple network interfaces and buses, including DeviceNet Pro interface cards and PCI buses.

    This module has various features, including:

    1. High quality data transmission: Supports CAN data rates of up to 1Mbaud, ensuring efficient and real-time data transmission.

    2. Wide interface support: Supports multiple network interfaces and buses, including DeviceNet Pro interface cards and PCI buses, which can meet the needs of different application scenarios.

    3. Flexible installation method: Adopting modular design, it can be easily installed in the control room or other places that require network connection.

    4. Reliable data processing capability: Adopting high-performance processors and efficient algorithms to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of data processing.

    5. Easy to use and maintain: Provide a friendly user interface and easy-to-use functions, making it easy for users to configure and maintain.

    SST 5136-DNP-PCI


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