I3C协议一致性测试,I3C Exerciser and analyzer,I3C训练器/分析仪,I3C训练器,I3C协议分析仪,I3C Protocol Analyzer, I3C协议一致性测试,I3C信号质量测试,I3C模拟器,I3C眼图测试
Introspect I3C Exerciser and analyzer测试解决方案:
业界第一家推出在同一个硬件上能同时支持I3C Exerciser and Analyzer功能的厂商,支持I3C CTS测试,向下兼容I2C,支持模拟多个I3C Master和I3C Slave装置测试;支持故障注入如CRC, ACK/NACK错误,产生I3C的数据流量即同步解码协议的封包内容,支持设定各种触发条件,捕捉特定的协议状态。
The first manufacturer in the industry to launch a platform that supports both I3C Exerciser and Analyzer functions on the same hardware, supports I3C CTS testing, is backward compatible with I2C, and supports simulating multiple I3C Masters and I3C Slave devices for testing; Support fault injection such as CRC, ACK/NACK errors, generating I3CData traffic refers to the packet content of synchronous decoding protocols, supporting the setting of various triggering conditions and capturing specific protocol states.