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深圳湾边贸易AAPM CT Performance

  • 发布时间:2024-07-31 08:33:29
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

    Phantom CIRS CT模体价格优惠 MODEL 610价格优惠。

    厂家:美国Computerized Imaging Reference Systems, Incorporated (美国CIRS)


    The CIRS Model 610 AAPM CT Performance Phantom offers the user a single test object that measures ten distinct CT performance parameters. The phantom design is based on the guidelines presented in Report #1 of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Task Force on CT Scanner Phantoms.  The goals of report #1 were to “(1) define ‘performance’ of a CT scanner and (2) describe methods of performance testing through utilization of particular phantoms.”

    A CT number linearity insert, high contrast resolution insert and slice width insert are housed in an 8.5 “ diameter PMMA water tank with quick disconnect valves for ease of filling and draining between use.  Also included is a 0.25” bone equivalent ring that can be fit over the inserts to evaluate the effects of beam hardening.

    A contrast test object is adhered to the bottom of the tank that includes two rows of cavities from 1 to 0.125” diameter.  The cavities can be filled with various solutions for contrast evaluation.   An aluminum alignment insert is incorporated in the lid of the tank and can be interchanged with a polystyrene TLD insert for dose measurements. A user’s manual, holding cradle, filling tubes and other accessories are included.

    Measurement Capability:


    Size Independence

    Sensitivity / Detectability

    Radiation Dose

    Mechanical Alignment

    Spatial Uniformity

    Beam Hardening

    HU Linearity

    Slice Thickness

    Spatial Resolution and line spread function

    Overall Dimensions 21.6 cm X 39.4 cm  (8.5" OD x 15.5" L)
    Weight 7.8 kg  (17.25 lb)
    Materials PMMA cast - 21.6 OD 20.3 cm ID x 32.4 L
    (8.5" OD x 12.75" L) with removable lid
    Model 610 Includes     - Contrast Test Object

    - Alignment pin

    610-02 - CT Number Linearity Insert

    610-03 - Resolution insert

    610-04 - Slice Thickness Insert

    610-05 - Bone Ring

    User Guide

    48 Month Warranty

     Optional Accessories     610-06 - Low Contrast Insert

    610-07 - Whole Body Resolution & Noise Ring

    610-08 - TLD Insert

    610-10 - Low Contrast Insert - Spherical Targets


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