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  • 发布时间:2025-02-20 10:49:08
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

    :Multitech摩迪泰克 产品型号:MT9234ZBA类型:桌面型MODEM 安装方式:外置型MODEM

    The MultiModem- ZBA business modem supports remote configuration for centralized setup and control, as well as callback security making it the modem of choice for business applications. The V.92/56K models provide an increase in upload speeds and quicker connect times, V.34/33.6K fax and Error Correction Mode, which reduces fax transmission time by more than half when compared to traditional fax modems. The V.90/56K models provide high-speed data transfer and fax capabilities ideal for small businesses, telecommuters and SOHO users. In addition, the globally approved MultiModem ZBA business modems are approved for use in many countries around the world. This means one model can ship virtually anywhere.
    Family Features
    Remote configuration for centralized setup and management
    Callback security for network security and reduced telephone toll charges
    U.S. Caller ID reporting
    Small footprint and stackable design
    Globally approved for use in many countries worldwide
    Linux compatible
    Self-resetting lightning protection
    Flash memory for easy updates
    Two-year warranty

    V.92 Models
    V.92/56K download speeds and 48K upload speeds when connecting with V.92 servers
    V.44 compression improves data throughput rates
    Error Correction Mode (ECM) provides fast and reliable fax transmissions
    Class 1.0 and Class 2.1 faxing at speeds to V.34/33.6K bps (Super G3)
    Voice mail support and full-duplex speaker phone operation on voice models 



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