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5077PR 5077PR 5077PR

  • 发布时间:2024-07-26 09:15:06
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

    5072PR:35兆赫(-3 dB)的带宽和穗超声脉冲发生器一般是测试的理想。 脉冲发生器的冲动提供的宽带激励时域恢复中产生的优越,特别是在较高的频率(15-30兆赫)5073PR:75兆赫(-3 dB)的尖峰脉冲发生器超声波带宽,快速上升时间延长应用程序工作在50 MHz的传感器的性能,表面决议挑战极限的轴向和近。 5077PR:35兆赫(-3 dB)的带宽和方波超声脉冲发射接收器的理想材料散射化应答的影响。 方波脉冲发生器测试时特别有利的是与10兆赫或更低换能器,可调节脉冲宽度脉冲能量优化,在优越的信号与噪声特性造成的。
    PULSER  5072PR  5073PR  5077PR
    Pulse Type (main bang): Negative  Negative Impulse  Negative Square Wave
    Rise Time (10% to 90%): Typically 5 ns, 10 ns max  Typically <2 ns  Typically <10 ns, 20 ns max (rise and fall time)
    Available Pulse Voltage: (no load)  -360 V  -180 V  Select -400 V, -300 V, -200 V, -100 V
    Available Pulse Energy: 13, 26, 52, or 104 µjoules  2, 4, 8, or 16 µjoules  N/A
    Damping: Select 15, 17, 20, 25, 36, 50, 100, or 500 ohms  12, 14, 17, 20, 25, 33, 50, or 100 ohms  N/A
    Pulse Width: N/A  N/A  10 preset fixed widths: 7.5, 5.0-6.0, 3.5-4.0, 2-2.25, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1 MHz. Variable +/-25% fine vernier tuning for each width.
    Mode:  Pulse Echo or Thru-Transmission  
    Isolation (53 dB min): Typically 62 dB at 10 MHz  Typically 62 dB at 50 MHz  Typically 62 dB at 10 MHz
    Pulse Repetition Rate: (Internal) 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, or 5000 Hz  200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, or 20000 Hz  100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 Hz, except that maximum PRF is limited to: 2000 Hz FOR 0.5 MHz tranducers, 1000 MHz for 0.25 MHz transducers, and 50 Hz for 0.1 MHz transducers.
    Pulse Repetition Rate: 0-6 kHz (External)  0-10 kHz  0-5 kHz (observe limitations of PRF versus pulse width)
    Synch Output Pulse: 3 V into 50 ohms   
    External Trigger Input: (in series with 10 Kohms) 2.4 V into 1000 PF 200 ns minimum pulse width  2.4 V into 1000 PF 200 ns minimum pulse width  2.4 V into 1000 PF 50 ns minimum pulse width

    RECEIVER 5072PR  5073PR  5077PR
    Maximum Bandwidth: (-3 dB, RL=50 ohms) 1 kHz - 35 MHz  1 kHz - 75 MHz  1 kHz - 35 MHz
    Voltage Gain: 0-59, 1 dB steps (RL=50 ohms)  0-39, 1 dB steps (RL=50 ohms)  0-59, 1 dB steps (RL=50 ohms)
    Phase:  inverting or non-inverting (internal switch)  
    Attenuator Range: 0-59, 1 dB steps (RL=50 ohms)  0-49, 1 dB steps (RL=50 ohms)  0-49, 1 dB steps (RL=50 ohms)
    High Pass Filter: 1 kHz (out) or 1 MHz  1 kHz (out) or 5 MHz  1 kHz (out) or 1 MHz
    Low Pass Filter: 35 MHz (out) or 10 MHz  75 MHz (out) or 20 MHz  35 MHz (out) or 10 MHz
    Noise: 70 µV pk-pk typical, referred to input, BW=35 MHz  200 µV pk-pk typical, referred to input, BW=75 MHz  70 µV pk-pk typical, referred to input, BW=35 MHz
    Max Signal Output:  +/-1V pk., terminated in 50 ohms  
    Input Resistance: (Thru-Transmission) 500 ohms linear range 100 ohms > linear range  100 ohms linear range 50 ohms at levels > linear range  500 ohms
    Output Impedance: 50 ohms  50 ohms  50 ohms
    Maximum Input Power: 400 mW  400 mW  500 mW

    UNIT  5072PR,5073PR,5077PR
    Input/Output: External Trigger In, Sync Out, RF Out, T/R and R: All BNC female connectors
    Power Main Requirements:  VAC, 50/60 Hz
    Operating Temperature: 0-50°C
    Size and Weight: 7" W x 3.5" H x 9.1" D (178 mm x 89 mm x 232 mm); 5 lbs (2.3 kg)

    5077PR 5077PR 5077PR


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