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  • 发布时间:2019-05-09 11:39:08
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

    Operating voltage range : 2.5V~5.5V
    • Operating temperature range: -40°C~85°C
    • Operating frequency rang (base on 2 clocks ):
    * Crystal mode: DC~20MHz at 5V, DC~8MHz at 3V, DC~4MHz at 2.5V.
    * ERC mode: DC~4MHz at 5V, DC~4MHz at 3V, DC~4MHz at 2.5V.
    • Low power consumption:
    * Less then 2 mA at 5V/4MHz
    * Typically 20 μA at 3V/32KHz
    * Typically 1 μA during sleep mode
    • 1K × 13 bits on chip ROM
    • One security register to prevent intrusion of OTP memory codes
    • One configuration register to accommodate user’s requirements
    • 48× 8 bits on chip registers (SRAM, general purpose register)
    • 2 bi-directional I/O ports
    • 5 level stacks for subroutine nesting
    • 8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC) with selective signal sources, trigger edges, and overflow interrupt
    • Two clocks per instruction cycle
    • Power down (SLEEP) mode
    • Three available interruptions
    * TCC overflow interrupt
    * Input-port status changed interrupt (wake up from sleep mode)
    * External interrupt
    • Programmable free running watchdog timer
    • 8 programmable pull-high pins
    • 7 programmable pull-down pins
    • 8 programmable open-drain pins
    • 2 programmable R-option pins
    • Package types:
    * 18 pin DIP 300mil : EM78P156NP
    * 18 pin SOP 300mil : EM78P156NM
    * 20 pin SSOP 209mil : EM78P156NAS

    Q Q :
    E-mial: EM78P156KD18J原装正品


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