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  • 发布时间:2016-02-01 09:12:44
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证


    1 Employee record ( Sample)(员工人事记录样板)  

    2 Employee background check record (员工背景调查记录) 

    3 Employee termination check list (员工离职核对表)  

    4 Employee Security training manual (员工反恐保安培训手册及记录) 

    5 Security Incident reports(保安紧急事件通报处理程序) Access Controls  

    6 Visitor’s log book (访客登记簿)  

    7 Incoming/outgoing vehicle registration log book or record(出入车辆登记簿或记录) 

    8 Incoming/outgoing mail/parcel log book or record(出入包裹信件登记簿或记录) 

    9 Security guard patrol log (保安巡逻记录)   Procedural Security  

    10 Security policy/plan(实体保安)  

    11 Security guard duties and responsibilities (保安岗位职责) 

    12 Packing procedures(货物包装程序 )  

    13 Loading and unloading security procedures(装卸货物保安程序) 

    14 Container inspection and loading procedures(货柜车检查及装货程序) 

    15 Security seal handling and storage procedures (封条保管存放程序)  

    16 Policy for detecting and reporting shortages/overages (discrepancies) on shipments [货物的超装/短装(差异)检定及通报政策]  

    17 Procedure for transit of finished goods to forwarders(成品运输跟踪程序)   Shipping Documentation  

    18 Bill of lading, if any (copy) (提货单复印件)  

    19 Commercial invoice, if any (copy)(商务发票复印件) 

    20 Packing List (copy) (装箱单复印件)  

    21 Other related shipping manifest, if any (any) (其它的相关载货凭单) 

    22 Any other documentation related to shipments(  其它所有船务文件)   Other Secuirty Records  

    23 Security meeting records with attendees list (有参加者名单的安保会议记录)  

    24 Security training program (includes: Security Guards, Mail receiving, Packing, Cargo Loading,Logistic) 安保培训计划(包括:保安人员,信件收发,成品包装,装柜,后勤)  

    25 Inspection or maintenance record of alarm and surveillance cameras(警铃及闭路电视检查或维护保养记录) 

    26 Internal audit record (安保内审记录)  

    27 Keys, locks and seals control log book(钥匙,锁及封条的控制登记簿) 

    28 Crisis management plan(紧急事务处理程序) 

    29 Others(其它) KOHL'S验厂审核文件清单

    肯达信企业管理顾问有限公司成立于2000年,专业从事验厂咨询、ISO/TS16949、OHSAS18001、HSE、QHSE、QC080000(ROHS)、TQM、ISO9001、FSC/COC 、HACCP(ISO22000)、QS、ISO20000、ISO27001、ITIL、TL9000、ISO13485、BRC、WRC、FLA、SA8000、ICTI、WRAP、ETI、BSCI、C-TPAT、GMPC、GMP等国际认证咨询以及各类客户验厂咨询、企业管理咨询、管理培训及职业技术职称资格考核培训。    更多相关详情咨询请联更多相关详情咨询请联系肯达信企业管理顾问有限公司,我们将为您提供最专业的咨询和辅导,包您一次性无忧通过!  


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