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  • 发布时间:2016-12-15 09:34:20

    ======================================================================== 深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司 超低价,成色新,测试合格后再付款,欢迎体验测试,服务好 联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ: 廖先生 QQ: 公司:深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司 地址:深圳市龙华新区东环一路天汇大厦D栋6楼D-615室 ======================================================================== 描述 {HP83630A回收}The Keysight 83630A synthesized sweeper is the standard of excellence {HP83630A回收}for applications requiring the high performance and ac c uracy of a {HP83630A回收}synthesized source and the speed and versatility of a sweep {HP83630A回收}oscillator. Synthesized broadband frequency coverage and precise 1 Hz {HP83630A回收}frequency resolution (Opt 008) are generated by indirect synthesis, {HP83630A回收}enabling the Keysight 83630A to achieve low single-sideband phase {HP83630A回收}noise performance. It delivers excellent harmonic performance with {HP83630A回收}harmonics at least 50 dB below the carrier from 2.0 to 26.5 GHz. Keysight 83630合成清洁工是卓越的标准应用程序需要合成源的性能和精度高、扫描速度和多功能性的振荡器。合成宽带频率覆盖范围和精确1赫兹频率分辨率(选择008)由间接合成法生成,使Keysight 83630实现低单边带相位噪声性能。它提供良好的谐波性能与谐波至少50 dB低于承运人 !!! {HP83630A回收}Scan modulation to simulate antenna scan **tterns {HP83630A回收}Ac c urate fixed and swept frequency offset for t w o-tone measurement {HP83630A回收}User flatness correction for leveling at remote points in the test {HP83630A回收}systemGeneral purpose source for use in c o mponent test, receiver test {HP83630A回收}and for frequency conversion {HP83630A回收}Sweep Modes: Step, List, Ramp {HP83630A回收}Maximum Power: +13.0 dBm {HP83630A回收}Power Sweep Range: -20 dBm to maximum power {HP83630A回收}Phase Noise (26.5 GHz at 10 KHz):-74 dBc {HP83630A回收}Max FM Deviation (locked): +/- 8 MHz 长期销售/回收二手仪器仪表:二手示波器、二手频谱分析仪、逻辑分析仪、晶体管图示仪、无线电综测仪、合成信号源、函数信号源、扫频仪、耐压测试仪、全新频率计、交/直流稳压电源、毫伏表、场强仪、热风强等各种仪器 。公司备有各种高、中、低档国产进口仪器。 ​


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