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  • 发布时间:2017-01-10 11:29:30

    深圳迈凯瑞仪器专业销售,租赁,回收,维修二手频谱分析仪,信号源,网络分析仪,示波器,无线电综合测试仪,音频分析仪,噪声系数分析仪,WIFI测试仪,手机综合测试仪,EMI测试仪,天馈线分析仪,功率计,频率计,校准件,函数信号发生器,电源,GPIB卡,万用表,衰减器等测试仪器 公司擅长无线测试方案,可测试无线鼠标,无线键盘,无线遥控器,无线抄表,RFID,误码分析测试BER,手机外壳测试(合作伙伴有三星手机,黑莓手机,以及该品牌的众多代工厂),天线测试,路由器,信号放大器,滤波器测试,广电产品,监控产品等众多电子产品的测试,欢迎各研发单位,方案公司,电子生产企业前来联系,洽谈购买业务。因为二手仪器的价格是全新进口仪器价格的30%左右,二手仪器可以为各企业省去70%的仪器成本,享有同样的服务,二手仪器没有货期,随时采购随时使用,经济实惠。 ======================================================================== 深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司 超低价,成色新,测试合格后再付款,欢迎体验测试,服务好 联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ: 廖先生 QQ: 公司:深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司 地址:深圳市龙华新区东环一路天汇大厦D栋6楼D-615室 ======================================================================== Rohde&Schwarz SMA100A 6G射频信号发生器罗德施瓦茨9kHz-3G/6GHz 品牌:德国R/S罗德施瓦茨Rohde&Schwarz R&S The R&SSMA100A combines superior signal quality with very high settingspeed, which makes it ideal for any task. Whether in development,production, service or maintenance, the R&S SMA100A does anexcellent job. In thefrequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz, it can generate CW signals aswell as all common types of analog modulation (AM, FM, φM, pulsemodulation). Excellent specifications and a wide range ofmodulation signals – these are the characteristic features of theR&S? SMA100A. In addition, a low-jitter clock synthesizeroption supplies differential clock signals of up to 1.5 GHzindependently of the RF frequency. Excellent signal quality *Very low SSBphase noise of typ. –135 dBc (20 kHz carrier offset, f = 1 GHz, 1Hz measurement bandwidth), typ. –140 dBc with the Enhanced PhaseNoise Performance option (R&S SMA-B22) *Wideband noiseof typ. –160 dBc (>10 MHz carrier offset, f = 1 GHz, 1 Hzmeasurement bandwidth) *Nonharmonicsof typ. –100 dBc (>10 kHz carrier offset, f < 1500 MHz, withthe R&S SMA-B22 option) Ideal for use in production *Very shortfrequency and level setting times of <3 ms across the entirefrequency and level range, <450 μs in the listmode *Fast hoppingmode with flexibly addressable frequency and level pairs, as fastas normal list mode *Frequencysetting time of typ. <10 μs within a bandwidth of 40 MHz due todirect access to the DDS-based synthesizer (with the R&SSMA-B20 or -B22 option) *Electronicattenuator with built-in overvoltage protection over entirefrequency range *High outputpower of up to +18 dBm, overrange +28 dBm *Very highlevel accuracy and repeatability Mil / Aero applications *Pulsemodulator with excellent characteristics (on/off ratio >80 dB,rise/fall time typ. 10 ns) *Pulsegenerator integrated as standard *Optionalhigh-performance pulse generator with minimum pulse width of 20 ns(R&S SMA-K23) *OptionalVOR/ILS modulation (R&S? SMA-K25)


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