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想要双重国籍 移民圣基茨

  • 发布时间:2015-10-27 17:03:43
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证
    The government of St Kitts and Nevis is optimistic that Canada will reintroduce the visa waiver it revoked last year because of concerns with the federation’s citizenship by investment (CBI) programme. 对于圣基茨护照重获加拿大免签权,圣基茨和尼维斯政府持乐观态度。去年,出于对圣基茨投资入籍项目的担忧,加拿大取消了对圣基茨护照的免签权。 Foreign Affairs Minister Mark Brantley told WINN FM that the Team Unity administration remains hopeful that the waiver, a former selling point of the programme, will be reinstituted. 外交部长马克•布兰特利接受WINN电台采访时表示,他坚信,加拿大会重新恢复圣基茨护照的入境免签权。  “I think it is realistic, because they revoked it because they had certain specific concerns, it wasn’t a general policy of… visa privilege revocation for Canada. Indeed the very day that they revoked our privilege, they granted that privilege to Chile a nation of…17 million people, so clearly it wasn’t an issue of overall policy, it was rather a response by Canada to a specific concern and we know what that concern is in relation to our CBI programme and difficulties there. So we’ve engaged them,” the foreign affairs minister said.  “我认为加拿大重新恢复圣基茨护照的入境免签权是符合当前实际情况的,此前加拿大在这方面是有些忧虑,但取消护照相关特权不是加拿大的惯常政策,加拿大此番做法的原因更应该解释为对于我国投资入籍项目的一些疑虑尚待澄清。而这正是当前政府正在着手优化的工作内容。” Last Friday, Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris rolled out new changes to the citizenship by investment programme at a conference attended by service providers in St Kitts. 上周五,在由诸多项目服务供应商参加的会议上,圣基茨总理提摩西•哈里斯公布了一系列新的改革措施,旨在改善圣基茨的投资入籍项目。 Included in the changes is a new online system, the citizen application management system (CAMS), which allows applicants through their service providers to apply and track the process of their applications.St Kitts and Nevis is the first country to use this state of the art technology. 措施中包括要引入公民申请管理系统。该系统可使移民申请人通过服务供应商申请和跟踪申请进度。圣基茨和尼维斯是首个使用该先进技术的国家。 Harris outlined nearly two dozen reforms to the CIP and made reference to a recalibrated relationship with the US, the UK and the European Union aimed at restoring confidence in the programme. 针对圣基茨投资入籍项目,哈里斯共公布了约24项改革措施,并暗示要和美国、英国、欧盟修好,以重建移民申请人对项目的信心。 Attorney General Vincent Byron has also been speaking about the CBI changes. 司法部长文森特•拜伦也就圣基茨投资入籍项目的改革谈了自己的看法。 “As we can now recalibrate and revamp the system and let our service providers, our agents overseas know, and give them that confidence… We are focused on ensuring that we can consistently have a turnaround of 90 days or less in the process… and we will continue to work on our programme to make sure that all of our stakeholders get efficient service, And that we do not in any way return to the time when we had criticisms being leveled at the unit… we have improved the staff. We have brought in new individuals, people with more experience and strengthened the staff considerably, and we will continue to do so,” he told WINN FM.  “我们可以改进优化项目系统,让我们的海外服务供应商、代理商了解我们正在为此做出努力,给他们信心……政府目前的工作重点是要保证项目的申请期最长不超过90天……我们会继续努力确保项目的投资商都能得到高质高效的服务,保证项目的无可挑剔性……我们已改善了人员管理,引进了更有经验的人才,提高了员工的素质。今后我们还会在这方面做出更多努力。” Brantley says Basseterre having a voice on the ground in Canada should make a big difference in the attempts to have the visa waiver reinstated. 布兰特利说,圣基茨目前正针对重获加拿大免签特权采取了一系列的措施,加拿大政府业已留意到圣基茨的这些改变,他相信未来局势一定会发生很大的改变。 “We shall engage them actively, using of course our newly opened high commission in Ottawa as a springboard. That high commission… is a major step forward for us. Plans were already in train when we took office, but we decided that we would proceed with it… and we feel now with High Commissioner Shirley Skerritt there, that that gives us a very, very good platform to discuss and raise the issues with Canada that are critical for us. This is our approach and I feel that it is not beyond us once we have repaired the relationship, and they have been satisfied that the security concerns that they expressed have been met,” he explained. “我们应将渥太华新设的高级委员会作为跳板采取更加积极的行动。在渥太华设立高级委员会…对于我们来说是一项重大举措,此举在我上任之初就已开始筹划。不过我们认为,目前担任委员会高级专员的雪莉•斯克里特为我们和加拿大就关键问题进行讨论铺设了良好的平台。这是满足我国需求的解决之道。我认为,一旦修复了彼此关系,恢复在加拿大的护照免签权不是问题。且加拿大表示,对于圣基茨已意识到并着手解决安全方面的问题,他们很满意。” 更多圣基茨移民资讯可咨询怀恩移民顾问:。  


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