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Kamat K35055M型高压泵配件

  • 发布时间:2017-12-25 10:05:10
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证

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    KAMAT曲轴瓦 编号 图号  safety valve 安全阀 filter insert 滤器芯子 flexible insert 滤器芯子 hose dn 40 pn 175   软管 3/2-way-pilot-valve-atex    阀门 filter element  滤芯 hose line dn100*5,5m pn16  软管 plunger sealing set 柱塞密封套 flexible insert filter insert 滤器芯子 filter insert 滤器芯子 safety valve 安全阀   oil pressure gauge 0-16bar   lubricating oil pump (gear pump) cna communication ntrinsically safe converter electric control box ve1 electric control box ve12 communication cable 6m solenoid pilot valve   emulsion tank inlet valve cup and spring crankcase housing member      plunger sealing set knurled screw   hexagon  screw   back-up ring oil pump pressure spring spacer   stuffing box seal ring with 0-ring cover suction valve cover discharge o-ring plunger assy   o-ring o-ring   calve guide valve seat   valve disc   flow meter   o-ring   wiper seal ring seal ring with o-ring   plunger sealing set plunger assy stuffing box   dichtung dichtung dichtung dichtung dichtung dichtung


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