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E5071A E5071A E5071A E507

  • 发布时间:2018-04-03 11:44:14
        1A Agilent E5071A 3G射频网络分析仪 9kHz-3GHz 努力和效果之间,永远有这样一段距离。成功和失败的唯一区别是,你能不能坚持挺过这段无法估计的距离。能不能敞开胸怀接纳世界?所以让我们一起共勉,互相支持,让我们跑得更快,跑得更好吧!哪怕路上有风雨,哪怕途中有坎坷,只要不放弃奔跑,不放弃对自我的修行,我们终究会创造属于自己的生命奇迹!联系人:小欧:     QQ: 本公司现在新进了一批频谱分析仪、网络分析仪、信号分析仪、示波器、综合测试仪、音频分析仪、EMI接收机等射频类仪器,对新老客户在价格方面也在做优惠活动!欢迎选购!欢迎来电咨询!期待顾客上门看货!您的满意是我们最终的追求!   * 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz * 125 dB dynamic range at test port (typical) * 9.6 µs/point sweep speed * 0.001 dB rms trace noise * Integrated 2-, 3- and 4-ports available with full port correction * TRL/LRL calibration for non-coaxial measurements * Built-in balanced measurement to interpret mixed mode S-parameters * Fixtrue embedding/de-embedding and port characteristic impedance conversion * Time domain transform. with gating * Up to 9 ports extension using E5091A multiport test set * Bundled Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications * 10.4-inch color LCD       The Agilent E5071A network analyzer provides the comprehensive measurement capability required to test both multiport and balanced devices. The ENA Series offer 2-, 3-, or 4-test ports for simultaneous measurement of all signal paths in these multiport devices.   The ENA series delivers extensive analysis capabilities such as time domain transform. with gating and mixed mode S-parameter measurements with matching circuit embedding/de-embedding and impedance conversion. In addition to the built-in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) capability, the analyzer can be programmed via its COM or SCPI interface.   The ENA Series has a Windows-based user interface and large 10.4-inch LCD. Built-in interfaces, such as GPIB, 10/100BaseT Ethernet, USB, VGA and parallel also included   E5071A供应E5071A新到货供应E5071A新到货供应E5071A新到货 agilent 网络分析仪,E5071A新到货,成色很新,E5071A多台现货,网络分析仪用于测试产品的驻波,阻抗,插入损耗,传输等指标。 E5071A 是二手网络分析仪。 E5071A 频率9kHz-3GHz E5071A   网络分析仪有50欧姆跟75欧姆之分,50欧姆为通用网络分析仪,75欧姆为生产电视方面的网络分析仪。 E5071A 货多台,安捷伦E5071A价格低廉。 公司可以提供租赁E5071A,按月租赁E5071A,也可以按天租赁E5071A E5071A配有测试线缆,电源线等配件E5071A电子稿说明书及E5071A使用说明书。 E5071A在我公司购买会享受免费保修半年的服务 E5071A会提供技术支持,E5071A有专业的技术人员教使用   本公司现货出售: 1、FSP13、R3162、FSH3,8594E、E4405B、8595E、8596E等频谱分析仪 2、E4438C、E4433B、E4432B、GPS-101、SMIQ06B、IFR2024等 3、8753E、8714ET 4、TDS1012、TDS3032B 5、ATS-2、8920B 6、GC7105B 7、8494B多个  


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