焊金耐热 耐腐蚀 耐磨耗性能优良,用于修复基体合金相似的高温加工工具,如H13钢. 硬度HRC 43~46度A hot work tool steel that is tungsten free,Good hot hardness up to 565℃.For repair of H-13 tool steels and appications in the die casting and forging industries subject to high thermal gradients. | |
用 途 | 焊补有色金属压铸模具 PA POM PS PE EP Weld-repair non-ferrous metal die-casting molds PA POM PS PE EP |
规 格 | 1.0¢ 1.2¢ 1.6¢ 2.0¢ 2.4¢ |