科洁尔高效炉头水/Oven Cleaner
This product is akind of environmentally friendly stove cleaning agent which contains solvent,active agentand alkalicompound.Witheffectiveformulation,itcaninstantlypenetrate into oil, which make it easyto remove dirt. Itusedforstove,hook,BBQgrill,fryingpans,andotherkitchen utensils iron steak cleaning. It hasoutstandingeffect on warm or hotstoves.
Spray the product onto the surface of the cleaning oil, stay 4 to 7 minutes, the effect will be faster at a temperature of 50 ~ 60 degree .Use a damp
cloth to wipe the dirt dissolved oil, then rinse with water .
生产厂家广州市丽高洗涤用品有限公司倡导安全、低碳、环保、节水的生活方式前提下,提出“一物一净界”这一全新的“天然洁净、 绿色健康”生活理念。让您在享受舒适的同时更能体味生活的美好丽高秉承对高品质生活的热切追求,在倡导安全、低碳、环保、节水的生活方式前提下,提出“一物一净界”这一全新的“天然洁净、绿色健康”生活理念。让您在享受舒适的同时更能体味生活的美好